Page 242 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 242
AN IMPERIAL EDICT Very few imperial edicts from the Ming Dynasty survive today.
DATED TWENTIETH DAY OF THE SEVENTH MONTH OF THE THIRTY- Zhang Yangmeng was a native of Shanxi province who attained his
FOURTH YEAR OF WANLI, CORRESPONDING TO 1606, AND OF THE jinshi degree in the 5th year of Wanli reign (1577). This edict served as
PERIOD a letter of promotion for Zhang from Assistant Minister to the Ministry
The edict is written on a woven silk brocade and mounted as a of Revenue.
handscroll. The text records the promotion of Zhang Yangmeng,
followed by a Wanli thirty-fourth year date and two large seals. 明萬曆 織錦聖旨
The brocade begins with the four characters Fengtian gaoming, ‘By
Command of Heaven’ and is woven with the date 26th year of 此詰命成於萬曆三十四年七月二十日(1606 年)。張養蒙,生卒不詳,
Wanli, corresponding to 1598. 萬曆 5 年(1577)年受封進士,後升戶部右侍郎,獲賜此聖旨晉升戶部
106 …À/”ÿ x 11 …Õ/”ÿ in. (270 x 30 cm.) 尚書。
HK$150,000-250,000 US$19,000-32,000