Page 54 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 54
2915 Continued
The present censer, with its majestic construction, exquisite enamelling 乾隆朝掐絲琺瑯工藝出現了突破性發展。首先是廣泛製造大型器具,比
and elaborately cast handles, is undoubtedly made for imperial use and 起之前多為製作小件,難度大增,既要有大型窰爐配合,還要對燒造技
is representative of Qing imperial cloisonné enamels of the highest
quality. 術充分掌握,使碩大銅胎加熱後不會變形,釉料呈色也要求一致。最佳
例子莫如故宮乾隆花園內的掐絲琺瑯寶塔,塔高 230 公分以上,燒造於
The extremely ornate phoenix handles cast with painstaking details on 乾隆三十九年(1774)。第二是扶植琺瑯繪畫技法的發展,乾隆二十七
the present censer are of unprecedented quality, and are reminiscent of
the rococo style in vogue in contemporaneous Europe, which noticeably 年(1762)宮廷畫院與琺瑯作合併,專業畫家參與琺瑯器的繪畫工序,
provided inspiration for certain works of art produced for the Qing court 大大提高了紋飾的藝術水平。第三是御製品追求精工巧製、裝飾繁縟的
especially during the Qianlong period. These handles are in a style very 風格。乾隆四十八年(1783)曾傳旨:「鼻煙壺上花卉畫得甚稀,再畫
similar to a cloisonné enamel rhyton attached with a gilt-bronze phoenix 時畫得稠密些……」,皇帝的口味大大影響當時工藝製作的審美取向。
in profile, also cast with great details and dating to the Qianlong period,
from the Robert Chang Collection (fig. 1) and included in the exhibition 第四應是大量使用鏨刻鎏金裝飾,增添金碧輝煌的效果。
Colorful, Elegant, and Exquisite: A Special Exhibition of Imperial Enamel 本器體形碩大,主體紋飾為奇花異卉,非常少見。其耳、足、蓋鈕皆以
Ware from Mr. Robert Chang’s Collection, Suzhou Museum, 2007-
2008, Catalogue, pp. 34-35. The Qing Court Collection has a number 龍鳳裝飾,配件通體鎏金,表現出皇家氣派,為少數近似三足爐中僅見。
of cloisonné enamel censers and other vessels set with similar gilt- 張宗憲收藏一件鳳形花插(圖一),立鳳同樣精工巧鑄。他亦珍藏一件
bronze phoenix handles, although none of them are executed with 較小(40.6 公分)的三足爐(圖二),與此器紋飾非常相近,配螭耳、
the same degree of meticulous attention to details. Examples include 飛龍足、蓮紋鈕蓋爐,唯足部只有龍首鎏金。清宮舊藏兩件螭耳三足爐,
a cloisonné enamel censer with handles in the form of phoenix with
abstract scrolling bodies; a cloisonné enamel zun with phoenix handles 均為腹部錦地開光內飾纏枝花紋,蓮花紋蓋鈕,其耳或足僅局部鎏金,
of similar shape but of more simplistic form; and a cloisonné enamel 見 2011 年北京出版故宮博物院藏品大系《琺瑯器編・3・清掐絲琺瑯》,
censer flanked by a pair of abstract stylised phoenix handles, all dating 圖版 204-205 號(圖三)。
to the mid-Qing period and illustrated in Compendium of Collections in
the Palace Museum - Enamels (3) - Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty (1644-
1911), Beijing, 2011, pls. 197, 77 and 206 respectively.
The present censer is a close comparison to a Qianlong period
cloisonné enamel tripod censer of smaller size (40.6 cm. high) from the
Robert Chang Collection, which is also decorated on the body and the
cover with ruyi-shaped panels enclosing dense design of flowers and
foliage, but flanked by gilt-bronze handles in the form of dragons (fig. 2),
also illustrated ibid., 2007-2008, Catalogue, pp. 56-57. Compare also
to another censer from the Qing Court Collection, densely decorated
with quatrefoil panels with gilt-bronze dragon handles, illustrated
in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum - Enamels (3) -
Cloisonne in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), Beijing, 2011, pl. 205 (fig. 3).
fig. 1 Robert Chang Collection fig. 2 Robert Chang Collection fig. 3 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
圖一 張宗憲藏品 圖二 張宗憲藏品 圖三 北京故宮博物院藏品