Page 58 - Nov 29 2017 HK Important Chinese Ceramics
P. 58

         A RARE PAINTED AND GOLD-FOILED WOOD               唐   貼金彩繪女木俑
         TANG DYNASTY (618-907)                            木俑一手自然垂於身側,另一手曲於腰間。上穿長袖開衫,下著曳地長
         The slender, elegant figure is standing with one arm pendent,   髮式盤以高髻,留有黑彩貼金痕跡。
         the other at her waist, wearing a long-sleeved jacket with a deep
         V-shaped neckline, and a painted and gold-foiled belt decorated   來源
         with an intricate foliate scroll pattern. Her long skirt falls to the to   紐約佳士得,1989年12月2日,拍品42號
         her feet. Her head is slightly turned to the left and her face is well   東京繭山龍泉堂
         carved with delicate features and red painted lips. Her hair, neatly   日本私人收藏
         pulled up into a high topknot, shows extensive remains of black
         and gilt pigments.                                此類木俑極為罕見,其髮式服裝與乾縣咸陽永泰公主墓壁畫之人物表現如
         23 in. (58.4 cm.) high, Japanese wood box         出一轍。相關之服飾髮型,還可參考一件1955年於西安出土,現藏於中
         HK$300,000-500,000              US$39,000-64,000  第7冊,京都,1983年,編號58。
         PROVENANCE                                        美國大都會博物館藏有兩件相似例,分別載於藍理捷,《Arts of Ancient
         Sold at Christie’s New York, 2 December 1989, lot 42  China》,紐約,1990年5月31日至6月23日,圖錄編號14與16。另外,納
         Mayuyama & Co. Ltd., Tokyo                        爾遜・阿特金斯藝術博物館亦有一件定為隋代的木俑,其曾於1976年於
         A Japanese private collection                     波特蘭博物館展出,並收錄於Donald Jenkins的《Masterworks in Wood:
         Wood figures of this period are extremely rare. Closely comparable   China and Japan》,1976年,頁28-29,編號8。
         depictions of female figures with similar hairstyles and costumes on the
         wall paintings discovered in the tomb of Princess Yongtai at Xianyang   其他相似例,可參考埃斯卡納齊,《Ancient Chinese Sculpture from the
         City in Qian county, Shaanxi province, dated 706. Compare, also, the   Alsdorf Collection and Others》,倫敦,1990年6月12日至7月6日,圖錄
         sancai-glazed pottery figure of a seated lady, excavated in Xi’an in 1955,   編號6-10;及同上《Early Chinese Art from Tombs and Temples》,倫
         now in the National Museum of China, which is illustrated in Zhongguo
         taoci quanji: Tang Sancai, vol. 7, Kyoto, 1983, plate 58.  敦,1993年6月8日至7月9日,圖錄編號45-46;另外,還可見藍理捷,
                                                           《Arts of Ancient China》,紐約,1990年5月31日至6月23日,圖錄編號
         Two wood figures of court ladies, now in the Metropolitan Museum of   15、17-18;及同上《Ancient Chinese Tomb Sculpture》,紐約,2004年
         Art, New York, are illustrated by J.J. Lally & Co., Arts of Ancient China,
         New York, May 31-June 23, 1990, Catalogue, nos. 14 and 16. Further   3月22日至4月10日,圖錄編號15-20。
         examples, dated to the Sui dynasty, from the Nelson Atkins Museum,
         Kansas, were exhibited at the Portland Art Museum in 1976, and are
         illustrated in Donald Jenkins, Masterworks in Wood: China and Japan,
         Portland Art Museum, 1976, pp. 28-29, no. 8.
         For other painted wood figures of this type, see Eskenazi Ltd., Ancient
         Chinese Sculpture from the Alsdorf Collection and Others, London,
         June 12 to July 6, 1990, Catalogue, nos. 6-10; and ibid., Early Chinese
         Art from Tombs and Temples, London, 8 June to 9 July, 1993, Catalogue,
         nos. 45-46; also, see J.J. Lally & Co., Arts of Ancient China, New York,
         May 31 to June 23, 1990, Catalogue, nos. 15, 17-18; and ibid., Ancient
         Chinese Tomb Sculpture, New York, March 22 to April 10, 2004,
         Catalogue, nos. 15-20.

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