Page 25 - Export Porcelain and Globakization- GOOD READ
P. 25

of the Chinese government.
                       Canton  had  several  advantages  in  comparison  to  other  Chinese  harbor  cities,
                   which finally led to its trading monopoly with East India companies from the West.
                   First,  geographically it  was easy to  reach  for ships  coming from  the  Indian Ocean
                   being in the far South of China at the northern rim of the South China Sea. Also, it
                   was not too far away from the tea growing areas of China and relatively easy to reach
                   by river transport from Jingdezhen in Jiangxi province. Second, foreign ship traffic
                   was easy to control as it did not face the open sea, but lay inland at the Pearl River.
                   The river could only be used by bigger vessels with the ebb and flow of the tide. In
                   addition, the Pearl River Delta forms a labyrinth of water arms, sandbanks and small
                   islands, which makes the use of Chinese pilots necessary which acted as another way
                   to control in- and outgoing ships . Third, the proximity of the Macao Peninsula – the
                   Portuguese  settlement  since  1557  –  was  an  advantage  for  finding  translators,
                   experienced Chinese merchants and to settle port fees and duties. The East Indiamen
                   were  guided  upstream  along  the  Pearl  River  by  Chinese  pilots  to  the  Island  of
                   Whampoa (pazhou) just a couple of kilometers in the east of the city where their cargo
                   was  unloaded and loaded. The import-export business  of the East  India  companies
                   was in the hands of so-called “supercargoes” (daban). They represented the company
                   to the Chinese authorities and the Hong merchants.
                       Pic. 11: Map of Canton, Macao and the mouth of the Pearl River, copper
                                                   engraving by Bellin

                     The thirteen factories district was outside the city walls, in the south west along the
                   river. The foreign companies were allowed to rent the buildings but not allowed to
                   enter  the  city  itself.  The  buildings  and  two,  later  three,  streets  in-between  the

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