Page 56 - Christie's, NYC Important Chinese Works Of Art Sept. 22-23, 2022
P. 56

                                                                                                                                 A YELLOW AND BEIGE JADE RHYTON, GONG
                                                                                                                                 QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)
                                                                                                                                 The deep vessel with curved rim is decorated on the shorter end with the head
                                                                                                                                 of a beast in relief, its wings carved in low relief and pulled back to flank the
                                                                                                                                 sides. The stone is of yellow and beige tone with areas of pale russet mottling.
                                                                                                                                 5º in. (13.3) cm. high

                                                                                                                                 Anita Vandenberg, London, August 1988.
                                                                                                                                 Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery, 1994-2022.
                                                        745 (two views)
          CHINESE JADES FROM THE COLLECTION OF T. EUGENE WORRELL                                                                 J. Ayers, A Jade Menagerie: Creatures Real and Imaginary from the Worrell
          745                                                                                                                    Collection, London, 1993, no. 5.
          A YELLOW AND RUSSET FIGURE OF A RECUMBENT BIRD      T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器                                              T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器                                                 (another view)
          MING-QING DYNASTY, 16TH-18TH CENTURY                明/清 十六至十八世紀 黃褐玉臥鳥擺件
          The bird is shown with the long neck resting elegantly across the folded wings,                                        清 黃褐玉瑞獸紋角形盃
          the short tail feathers neatly fanned and the legs tucked beneath the body.   來源:                                      來源:
          The feathers on the neck and the wings are finely incised, and the stone is of a   私人珍藏, 多塞特, 英國                       Anita Vandenberg, 倫敦, 1988年8月
          yellowish-beige tone with russet striations.        S. Marchant & Son, 倫敦, 2005年10月20日                                 展覽:
          3¿ in. (7.8 cm.) long                               展覽:
                                                                                                                                 夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 1994-2022年
                                                              倫敦, S. Marchant & Son, 「80th Anniversary Exhibition of Chinese Jades
          $15,000-25,000                                      from Han to Qing」, 31 October-11 November 2005年10月31日-11月11日.      出版:
                                                                                                                                 J. Ayers, 《A Jade Menagerie: Creatures Real and Imaginary from the
          PROVENANCE:                                         夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 2005-2022年                                     Worrell Collection》, 倫敦, 1993年, 編號5
          Private collection, Dorset, England.                出版:
          S. Marchant & Son, London, 20 October 2005.
                                                              S. Marchant & Son, 《80th Anniversary Exhibition of Chinese Jades from
          EXHIBITED:                                          Han to Qing》, 倫敦, 2005年, 頁60-61, 編號58
          London, S. Marchant & Son, 80th Anniversary Exhibition of Chinese Jades from
          Han to Qing, 31 October-11 November 2005.
            Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery, 2005-2022.  CHINESE JADES FROM THE COLLECTION OF T. EUGENE WORRELL
          S. Marchant & Son, 80th Anniversary Exhibition of Chinese Jades from Han to   A WHITE AND RUSSET JADE FIGURE OF A RECUMBENT GOOSE
          Qing, London, 2005, pp. 60-61, no. 58.              QING DYNASTY, 17TH-18TH CENTURY
                                                              Carved from a smooth flattened pebble, the goose is shown with the head
                                                              turned back and preening its plumage, the wing feathers represented by a
                                                              series of lightly carved lines. The stone has a lustrous polish and is of a creamy-
                                                              white tone with russet patches.
                                                              3 in. (7.5 cm.) long

                                                              Christie's New York, 3 June 1988, lot 102.
                                                              Charlottesville, Worrell Family Offices Gallery, 1994-2022.
                                                              J. Ayers, A Jade Menagerie: Creatures Real and Imaginary from the Worrell
                                                              Collection, London, 1993, no. 23.

                                                              T. EUGENE WORRELL珍藏中國玉器
                                                              清十七/十八世紀 白褐玉臥鵝把件
                                                              紐約佳士得, 1988年6月3日, 拍品編號102
                                                              夏洛茨維爾, Worrell家族藝廊, 1994-2022年
                                                              J. Ayers, 《A Jade Menagerie: Creatures Real and Imaginary from the
                                                              Worrell Collection》, 倫敦, 1993年, 編號23

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