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ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) 張大千 粉彩梅花紋玉壺春瓶一對
Menu A Pair of Plum Blossoms Vases 底款:大風堂
Unmounted scroll, framed, ink on paper Each vase measures 23 cm. (9 in.) in height
68.5 x 17 cm. (27 x 6 æ in.) Printed inscription, signature, and three seals 印刷題識: 萬里還歸故國山,溪邊結得屋三
Inscribed by the artist of the artist 椽,種梅買鶴餘生了,月下花前
One seal of Dafengtang at the bottom 伴鶴眠。壬戌(1982年)嘉平月
HK$80,000-150,000 寫摩耶精舍,小詩,八十四叟
US$10,000-19,000 NOTE: 爰。
This pair of vases belong to the group
張大千 菜單 水墨紙本(未裱) of special vases commissioned by Zhang 鈐印:張爰、大千父、春長好
鏡 框 Daqian and made by the renowned potter 註:此對梅花瓶為張大千約1982年,以所寫
Tsai Hsiao Fang around 1982 in Taiwan, 紅梅和自作小詩,請臺灣陶藝名師蔡曉芳代
題識: 1. 錦盤 as souvenirs for the artist’s close families 為燒製而成,用贈家人、至交留念,極為罕
2. 大雜會(加炒腰花、帶戴帽) and friends. An ardent admirer of the plum 見。張大千移摩耶精舍後,在庭院種梅樹成
3. 干(乾)燒魚翅 blossoms, Zhang planted many plum trees 林,而紅梅也是他最喜愛繪畫的題材之一。
4. 薑汁(汙)雞 in his garden in Taiwan and painted the 畫與題識經網印移貼於瓶面,然後高溫燒
5. 蜜南 flowers repeatedly, such as the painting 成,是現代彩瓷常見的製作方法。另一香港
6. (燒白)樟茶鴨 shown on the present vases. The painting 中文大學文物館館藏同款梅瓶可見著錄《壺
7. 清湯獅子頭 and calligraphy on the body of the vases 閣佳器——暫得樓捐贈堂名款瓷器》,香
8. 鮓肉 are by the artist’s hand and were then 港,1993年,編號32。
9. 醎燒白(姜汁鷄,樟茶鴨) transfer-printed to the surface of the vase.
10. 成都素燴(炒明蝦片) An identical vase, previously in the Zande
11. 蟠桃 Lou Collection and gifted to the Chinese
12. (少)臊子麵 University of Hong Kong, is illustrated in
Elegant Vessels for the Lofty Pavilion, Hong
Kong, 1993, no. 32.