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          1134                                               高逸鴻、張大千     枇杷小鳥     設色紙本     鏡框     一九五一年作
          GAO YIHONG (1908-1982) AND ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
          Loquats and Small Bird                             高逸鴻題識:辛卯(1951年)長夏,逸鴻寫枇杷。
          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper  鈐印:高逸鴻印、雁高軒
          88 x 33.5 cm. (34 ¬ x 13 º in.)                    張大千又題:大千補小鳥。
          Inscribed and signed by Gao Yihong, with two seals
          Dated summer, xinmao year (1951)                   鈐印:張爰私印
          Further inscribed and signed by Zhang Daqian, with one seal  來源:香港佳士得,中國近現代畫,2005年5月29日,編號726。
          PROVENANCE:                                        註:高逸鴻,浙江臨安人。早年即已活躍於畫壇,曾與白蕉、唐
          Christie’s Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Modern Paintings, 29 May   雲、來楚生共創“天風書畫社”。渡臺後,為“七友畫會”等多個畫
          2005, Lot 726.                                     會成員,與張大千、黃君璧等畫家來往甚密。
          HK$80,000-100,000                US$11,000-13,000

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