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An accomplished filmmaker, poet, historian and artist, Wan-go H. C. Weng 本收藏上款人為著名電影工作者、詩人、歷史學家和藝術家翁萬戈
(1918-2020) was one of the most respected collectors and connoisseurs of 先生(1918-2020),他被廣泛讚譽為20世紀最重要和最受尊敬的中
Chinese paintings of the twentieth century. He was the great-great-grandson 國書畫藏家之一。他是晚清重臣翁同龢(1830-1904)之五世孫,繼
of the scholar-official Weng Tonghe (1830-1904), whose distinguished 承了先祖之重要中國書畫收藏。1940年自普渡大學畢業後,翁氏進
collection of Chinese paintings and calligraphy formed the core of the family
collection. After graduating from Purdue University in 1940, Weng had an 入好萊塢從事電影製作,並拍攝、監製諸多關於中國藝術和文化的
illustrious career in Hollywood in film in addition to producing films on 重要影片。推測他應該於五十年代與張大千首次會面,並受贈《松
Chinese art and culture. Zhang Daqian likely first met Weng in the 1950s 下高士》一作。第二幅荷花作品由張大千1973年創作,並鈐“環蓽
during one of his trips to New York, where he dedicated Scholar under Pine 盦”印章,印證了二人持續不斷的友誼。
Tree to him. The second painting, dated 1973 and bearing the seal of Zhang’s
Pebble Beach studio, stands as a testament to the lasting friendship formed
over a shared devotion to art between the two men.
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) 張大千 松下高士 設色絹本 鏡框 一九五五年作
Scholar under Pine Tree
題識: 乙未(1955年)夏五,寫似萬戈仁兄方家正之,大千張爰同
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on silk 客紐約。
41.8 x 35.7 cm. (16 Ω x 14 in.)
Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist 鈐印:張爰、大千
Dated fifth month, yiwei year (1955)
Dedicated to Wange (Wan-go H.C. Weng)
HK$800,000-1,200,000 US$110,000-160,000