Page 48 - Christie's Fine Chinese Modern and Contemporary Ink Paintings hk may 226 27 2021
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          1034                              Zheng Chongbin allows ink to take centre-stage   鄭重賓對水墨語言系統進行梳理、實驗與解
          ZHENG CHONGBIN (B. 1961)          in his work and constantly explores and exposes   構,以純粹的水墨作為視覺的中心,將墨的
          Breeze 2 - 001.2012               its materiality. He uses white acrylic to “enrich   物質性本身視為藝術創作的重點。鄭重賓的
          Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and acrylic   ink painting by adding abstract plastic elements,   白墨因有抽象立體的元素,“令水墨畫更豐
          on paper                          to create a multi-dimensional environment   富,創造出一個多元的環境,從而使水墨的
          123.5 x 123.5 cm. (48 ¬ x 48 ¬ in.)  and increase the tangibility and tactility of the   材質更加可觸、可見。因引入丙烯這種外來
          Inscribed and signed              medium.  I  found  that by  incorporating  acrylic
          Dated 2012                        into ink painting, I cleared away barriers to   媒材,清除了水墨語系中表達的障礙,擴充
                                            expression: it completed my visual language.”   了繪畫的視覺語彙。通過剪裁,分割與重疊
          HK$120,000-180,000                The breakthrough from two-dimensionality   的紙張,鄭重賓營造出充滿張力的視覺空
          US$16,000-23,000                  with added textural quality gives vivacity and   間,令觀者能靜觀箇中哲理。突破二維空間
                                            movement as seen in Breeze 2.
          鄭重賓     微風 2 - 001.2012     水墨丙烯紙本                                  並帶入立體的質感,令觀者可在《微風-2》
                         鏡框     二〇一二年作      Zheng’s works are contemporary and   這幅作品中看到風帶來的動態和活力。
                                            multidisciplinary and he truly breaks through
          題識: 鄭重賓Chongbin 2. 2012           from the identity of a traditional ink painter.   鄭重賓的作品十分富有當代性,亦跨越不同
                                            Using innovative materials, his concepts to   媒介,突破傳統水墨藝術家創作的媒介及界
                                            spatial intervention are thought-provoking and   限,通過使用創新性的媒材,他的作品打破
                                            experiential. Zheng’s recent projects include   空間限制,傳達出實驗性的概念。他近期的
                                            Liquid Space, a light and space  installation in a
                                            temple in Kyoto, and I Look for the Sky, a site-  項目包括於京都寺廟展示的裝置藝術《流動
                                            specific installation suspended at the Asian Art   的空間》,及於舊金山亞洲藝術博物館展出
                                            Museum, San Francisco.            的裝置藝術 《I Look for the Sky》。

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