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“ 進入北武當山,情調大變,穿叢林拾石級登山,漸至險境,似曾相識華山蒼龍嶺,但石級已修得整齊
WU GUANZHONG (1919-2010) 吳冠中 北武當山 設色紙本 鏡框
North Wudang Mountain
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on paper
89.5 x 67.8 cm. (35 º x 26 Æ in.) 展覽: 香港藝術中心包兆龍畫廊,“吳冠中回顧展”,1987年9月10
With two seals of the artist 日至10月4日。
EXHIBITED: 出版: 《吳冠中回顧展》,香港藝術中心,1987年,圖版99。
Pao Siu Loong Galleries, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Wu Guanzhong: 《吳冠中畫集》,榮寶齋,北京,1987年6月,第8頁。
A Retrospective, 10 September – 4 October, 1987. 《吳冠中全集》第六集,湖南美術出版社,2007年,第126頁。
LITERATURE: 故城》,翰墨軒出版有限公司,1997年4月,第31頁。
Wu Guanzhong: A Retrospective, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 1987, pl. 99.
Paintings by Wu Guanzhong, Rong Bao Zhai, Beijing, June, 1987, p. 8. 註:本作品於榮寶齋 1987 年出版之《吳冠中畫集》中,圖片頂部以
The Complete Works of Wu Guanzhong Vol. VI, Hunan Fine Art 及右側邊緣附近被裁切。
Publishing House, 2007, p. 126.
Han Mo Series A21: Wu Guanzhong / Ancient City, Han Mo Xuan
Publishing Co., Ltd., April 1997, p. 31.
The upper part and the area near the right edge are cropped in the
publication Panitings by Wu Guanzhong by Rong Bao Zhai.
HK$4,000,000-6,000,000 US$520,000-780,000
Wu Guanzhong went on sketching trips to Shanxi a few times in his life, 吳冠中一生曾五、六次赴山西寫生,本幅《北武當山》得稿自他
and North Wudang Mountain came from one of his sketches bearing 1986年的同名速寫稿。北武當山位於山西呂梁境內,有“三晉第一
the same title in 1986. Situated in the city of Lvliang, Shanxi, North 名山”之譽。吳冠中取極低視角、仰視玄天崖角度入畫,觀音殿盤
Wudang is known as the most important mountain in the province. As 踞山腳,古松相伴,是全畫構圖最密集的部分;殿後則是巍峨石
Wu Guanzhong began to paint, he sought his bearing from the mountain 崖,北武當山山體為灰白色系花崗岩,甚少植被,岩石裸露,惟青
foot as he gazed into the sky. The Guanyin Pavilion and the ancient pine 松盤石,深根偃蓋,千古風月,幽姿意遠。畫家疏朗幾筆,便將岩
trees are depicted in vivid details in the foreground, while the rocky peaks, 石紋理、山體結構呈現紙上;點綴其間不過石松幾株,與觀音殿青
painted in semi-abstract brushwork, lie in the background.
Formed by granite, North Wudang has little vegetation except for the
elegant pine trees which grow through the rocks. With a few confident
grey lines, Wu depicted the exposed shape and the texture of the granite
and only dotted with a few colours to indicate trees and rocks. The
monochrome background juxtaposes the colourful foreground and
accentuates the height of the monumental peaks.
Sketch of
North Wudang