Page 106 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 106


           propertY oF a GentLeman          the Buddha holding a blossoming lotus spray,   清乾隆丙寅年(1746年)
           AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE AND          an imperial seal reading qinwen zhixi (‘seal of   御書《大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經》
           IMPORTANT COMPLETE SET           imperially-written text’) following the name of   兩冊全
                                            the sutra, the second album text closing with an
           OF THE SUTRA OF PERFECT          inscription translating to ‘Qianlong commenced
           ENLIGHTENMENT                    writing on the nineteenth day of the first month   高宗弘曆寫本 每半開四行 經折裝
           BY THE QIANLONG EMPEROR,         of the bingyin year and concluded on the   萬壽字織錦面 附原配織錦經函
           DATED QIANLONG BINGYIN YEAR,     fifteenth day of the second month’, followed by
           CORRESPONDING TO 1746            three seals reading qian, long, and jigu youwen   題識:
                                            zhixi (‘respect tradition and value classical   乾隆歲在丙寅正月燕九日書起至
           comprising two volumes of leporello albums,   literature’), with a further illustration of the   二月花朝竟
           sumptuously bound in gilt-wrapped-thread   guardian king Weituo, all between illustrations
           brocade woven with multi-colored diaper   of the ‘eight Buddhist emblems’ painted in   印文:
           patterns enclosing hexagonal reserves   gilt on indigo-dyed paper to the interiors of
           of sinuous dragons each in pursuit of a   the covers, both albums fitted in a matching   欽文之璽
           ‘flaming pearl’ alternating with wan and shou   brocade-bound hard board case with stained   乾
           characters, centered with a black title slip with   ivory tabs and a title slip inset to the top (3)  隆
           a gilt inscription reading yushu yuanjuejing   Length of each 8⅛ in., 21.5 cm; Width 3⅞ in.,   稽古右文之璽
           shangce and xiace (Imperially written sutra   9.8 cm
           of perfect enlightenment, volume one and                           來源
           volume two), each album inscribed in regular   PROVENANCE          Bernard Quaritch Ltd.,倫敦
           script executed in black ink on dyed paper   Bernard Quaritch Ltd., London.   Henry Yates Thompson (1838-1928) 收藏,
           beginning with the full name of the sutra and   Collection of henry Yates thompson (1838-  1882年購於上述處
           attributing the translation to Buddhatrāta of   1928), acquired from the above in 1882.
           Jibin, continuing into a neat structure of four   Collection of James r. herbert Boone (1899-  James R. Herbert Boone (1899-1983) 收藏
           columns of text per leaf, the first album with a   1983).          紐約蘇富比1988年10月19日,編號23
           frontispiece finely painted in baimiao style with   sotheby’s new York, 19th october 1988, lot 23.
                                            ◉ $ 300,000-500,000
                                            please note that this lot is limited to buyers in
                                            the United states only and cannot be exported.

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