Page 105 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 105

at least one other copy of this sutra written by the Qianlong   of longevity wishes in the brocade, the present volumes
                             emperor is recorded, which also has two volumes, dated by   are likely also to have been produced by the emperor for
                             inscription to 1756, catalogued in Midian zhulin xubian [pearl   a similar, or the same, occasion, but nearly two decades
                             forest in the secret hall: series two], published in Midian   earlier.
                             zhulin Shiqu baoji hebian [pearl forest in the secret hall   the present sutra has a long collecting history in the West,
                             and precious collection of the stone Canal pavilion], vol. 3,   that can be traced to Bernard alfred Quaritch (1819-1899),
                             shanghai, 2011, p. 29 (bottom).
                                                                       a German bookseller, who in 1847 opened a bookshop in
                             at least two other sutras copied by the Qianlong emperor   London, where he specialized in old and rare books and soon
                             are published, which were bound in the same imperial   became the leading antiquarian bookseller worldwide. the
                             brocade and fitted with the same kind of title slips: a copy   company exists in London to this day.
                             of the Lotus Sutra preserved in the palace museum, Beijing,   henry Yates thompson (1838-1928) was a British newspaper
                             copied in 1765, and a copy of the Heart Sutra, copied in   proprietor and collector of illuminated manuscripts. part of
                             1768, with very similar illustrations and equally bearing   his collection was sold at sotheby’s, beginning in 1919, when
                             the emperor’s seals, preserved in the national palace   his eyesight began to fail, and part was donated after his
                             museum, taipei; for the former see the exhibition catalogue   death to the British museum and is today kept in the British
                             The Imperial Packing Art of the Qing Dynasty, the palace   Library. the inside of the sutra cover contains his well-
                             museum, Beijing, 2000, no. 80, or The Imperial Packing   known bookplate ex musaeo henrici Yates thompson (‘From
                             Art of Qing Dynasty. Classics of Forbidden City, Beijing,   the museum of henry Yates thompson’).
                             2007, pp. 134-5; the latter was included in the exhibition
                             The All Complete Qianlong: The Aesthetic Tastes of the Qing   James r. herbert Boone (1899-1983) was a Baltimore art
                             Emperor Gaozong, national palace museum, taipei, 2013,   collector who left his entire home, the oak hill house, and
                             cat. no. I-2.5 (figs 2 & 3).              his collection of Western paintings, sculpture, decorative art,
                                                                       and Chinese and Japanese works of art to Johns hopkins
                             the above Lotus Sutra is known to have been copied by the   University in Baltimore, for whose benefit it was sold at
                             Qianlong emperor to celebrate the birthday of his mother,   sotheby’s in 1988. his elaborate bookplate is equally pasted
                             the empress Dowager Chongqing, and with its inclusion
                                                                       inside the sutra cover.

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