Page 130 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 130
A ‘HUANGHUASHI’ STELE OF A this carved stone triad likely represents lacking the guardian lions, illustrated in saburo
BUDDHIST TRIAD amitabha in the center, with bodhisattvas matsubara, Chinese Buddhist Sculpture: A study
NORTHERN ZHOU DYNASTY avalokiteshara and mahasthamaprapta on based on bronze and stone statues other than
either side. Large-scale depictions of the works from cave temples. tokyo, 1966, pls 185
carved in high relief with a Buddha in Western pure Land of amitabha were featured a, b. the matsubara stele’s reverse has a large-
the center seated in voluminous robes, in Buddhist cave art during this time of political petaled lotus below the seated central figure,
mahasthamaprapta and avalokiteshvara on and social unrest in China. the practice of and the treatment of the garments and heavy
either side, each wearing a diadem and draped pure Land Buddhism spread in China during pleats is similar to the present carving. a dated
in robes and sashes, one bodhisattva bearing the northern and southern dynasties, and northern Zhou stele, also illustrated in ibid.
the cintamani, the other likely a lotus stem, the visualization of the amitabha trinity in pl. 187a, is carved with a similar composition
each supported by a blossoming round lotus, Sukhavati was the paramount image of the of figures, each with rounded square faces
and flanked by a pair of guardian lions, all tradition. a relief of Sukhavati, or the Western and similarly adorned. the inscription dates
above a rectangular base, the front of which is paradise, dated 565 and originally in Cave 2 of the stele to the fifth year of the Baoding reign,
inscribed with the names of two disciples, ren southern Xiangtangshan, can now be found at corresponding to 564.
Bosun and Wang mile, Japanese box (3) the Freer sackler Galleries, Washington D.C., a dated northern Zhou huanghuashi pedestal,
height 7¾ in., 19.7 cm acc. no. F1921.2. a relief of Sukhavati can also with large, blossoming petals similar to the
be found in the caves designed by the northern
PROVENANCE Qi monk, sengzhou, in anyang, dating to 550- petals in the present stele, was in the collection
of Bunkio matsuki (1867-1940), and is now
Japanese private Collection, tokyo, acquired 560; and a mural of the Western paradise preserved in the Freer sackler Galleries,
1920s. can be found in Cave 220 of Dunhuang, dated Washington D.C., acc. no. F1909.94. the lions
642. steles like the present were used as guarding each corner of the base of the Freer
visualization aides, thus the most expedient
$ 120,000-180,000 pedestal also have fleshy round bodies like the
paths to enlightenment became popular subject lions of the present stele. the inscription on the
matter for statuary.
北周 黃花石雕佛三尊像 Freer pedestal dates it to 573, and identifies
northern Zhou stone carved figures are that it was made for a shakyamuni Buddha
銘文: distinguished by characteristics that include figure. another huanghuashi stele worth
佛弟子任伯孫 佛弟子王弥勒 stocky and masculine features, and square considering from the Freer Gallery, also from
faces. the hem of a figure’s robe is often carved Bunkio matsuki, is attributed to the northern
as voluminous whilst finishing in squared Zhou, and features a triad of similar figural
來源 pleats. the present stele’s mottled yellow and composition. the style and modeling of the
brown huanghuashi was quarried in shandong Buddha’s and bodhisattvas’ clothes are similar
province. Compare a four-sided huanghuashi to the present example, as are the asana and
stele attributed to the northern Zhou, with both the mudra of the main figure. In this example,
the front and reverse bearing a composition each member of the triad is also raised on a
similar to the present example, however lotus base.
128 SOTHEBY’S Important ChInese art