Page 132 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 132


           A ‘HUANGHUASHI’ CARVED SHAKYAMUNI         北周保定元年(561年)   黃花石雕釋迦牟
           STELE                                     尼佛五尊像
           FIRST YEAR OF THE BAODING PERIOD,         銘文:
           CORRESPONDING TO 561                      保定元年歲次辛巳十二月癸酉朔十九日辛卯 弟子惠
                                                     空惠言二人減剖衣缽為上師造玉石像一軀二菩薩 華
           the large central seated figure carved as the historical   天宛具又顛命遇師僧三鄣消除解脫萬苦□神□率面
           Buddha shakyamuni, seated in dhyanasana with one bare   奉慈容常聞大業深悟無生內外卷屬常生淨土童真出
           foot exposed above the heavy pleated robes, the hands in
           varada mudra and abhaya mudra, the head ringed with a   家三界五道同若顛
           foliate halo, a divine retinue carved in relief slightly behind
           the Buddha, the loyal followers ananda and Kasyapa   來源
           standing on either side, smiling and dressed in monk’s robes,   日本私人收藏,關西,得於1910年代
           and beside a bodhisattva standing at either edge, crowned
           and richly adorned, one with a necklace harness and holding
           a bottle vase, the other with a ring pendant, the mandorla
           with flames rising towards the apex, the whole raised on four
           block legs, with neatly carved and margined inscriptions to
           three sides, containing the date, first date of the Baoding
           period, corresponding to 561, and pious dedications,
           Japanese wood box (3)
           height 16¼ in., 41.3 cm
           Japanese private Collection, Kansai, acquired 1910s.
           $ 300,000-500,000

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