Page 136 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 136

           A ‘HUANGHUASHI’ ‘MAITREYA’ STELE          awaiting rebirth. Donors commissioned many sculptural
           NORTHERN QI DYNASTY                       works representing this heavenly scene as an offering to
                                                     maitreya during the northern and southern dynasties.
           the rectangular form with a deep rounded niche containing   the main figure of this stele is most likely maitreya, as
           a high-relief carved central figure of maitreya seated cross-  the legs are carved crossed at the ankles, and the hands
           legged, the proper right hand raised and holding an attribute,   are in the reassuring and wish-granting mudras common
           the deity wearing a crown, abundant pleated robes, and a   to the Buddha of the future. the foliage that extends
           necklace harness over the body suspending bi discs from   from the top of the niche crest appears to form a thicket
           ribbon tassels, supported on a lotus pedestal, a flaming   of treetops growing from a forest of narrow trunks; the
           mandorla carved behind the head and flanked on either side   effect is a distant, lush forest canopy. although the other
           by a crowned bodhisattva, all above two figures kneeling   contending dynasties of the northern and southern period
           in prayer beside a censer, guarded by a pair of crouching   also produced maitreya stele in numbers, certain stylistic
           lions, the niche surmounted by an arch incised with scrolling   elements included in the present example would suggest
           flames and peaked leaves extending above from multiple   a northern Qi attribution. the necklace harness crossed
           branches, all within a rectangular outlined border, each   and worn on each of the figures, secured with sizable relief
           side of the stele with a further niche, carved with a standing   pendants (in contrast to crossed sashes) and the elaborate
           bodhisattva in three-quarter view, each with a tiered crown   crowns with ribbons pendent on either side, further
           with long streaming ribbons, adorned in long robes, sashes,   support a northern Qi attribution. the three-quarter-view
           and jewelry, supported below by further carved petals, the   relief-carved figures on either side of the squared stele
           stone of a mottled yellow with russet and tan inclusions,   are reminiscent of northern Wei cave sculpture. however,
           wood stand, Japanese box (5)              the present figures do not bear the same angular, narrow
           height 7½ in., 19 cm
                                                     features associated with the iconic northern Wei style.
           PROVENANCE                                Consider a stele attributed to the northern Qi, excavated
           Japanese private Collection, since 1920s.  from shandong province, illustrated in saburo matsubara,
                                                     Chinese Buddhist Sculpture: A study based on bronze and
           the maitreyavyākarana sutra, Mile xiasheng chengfo jing,   stone statues other than works from cave temples, tokyo,
           translated from sanskrit to Chinese by Kumarajiva (384-  1966, pl. 169 a, depicting a central seated Buddha with
           417), states that after the time of the historical Buddha,   attendants and crowned bodhisattvas standing on either
           shakyamuni, the Future Buddha, maitreya, would be reborn   side, lion guardians and two donor figures praying alongside
           on earth. the Future Buddha’s lifetime would be a golden   a censer carved to the lower register, with a similar figural
           era, and many Buddhist disciples during the 6th century   composition to the reverse. It is also worth considering
           prayed to be reborn into this enlightened future period.   a gilt-bronze stele attributed to late Western Wei, quite
           maitreya was often depicted seated with the legs pendent   possibly a contemporary to the present work, illustrated in
           or crossed at the ankles, like the present stele’s main figure,   ibid., pls 131a, b. the adornments and attitudes of the figures
           and with the hands also in varada and abhaya mudra. the   are similar to the present example, the floral mandorla and
           element that most scholars agree can be relied upon to   flame aureole mirror those carved to the back of the present
           identify the deity during this period, however, is the tree   stele’s niche, and the lower register also carries similarities
           canopy that often shelters the seated figure. maitreya was   in the pair of lions and central censer of related form.
           thought to be seated in meditation under the nagapusa tree,
           or in mandarin, the longshu (dragon tree), in Tusita heaven,   $ 120,000-180,000

                                                     北齊   黃花石雕彌勒菩薩坐像龕

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