Page 138 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 138


           propertY From a neW YorK prIVate   the present figure exemplifies the refinement   of the same scale, with the same attributes and
           CoLLeCtIon                       of Buddhist sculpture in the late northern Qi   style of dress, and standing on a base carved
           A ‘HUANGHUASHI’ LIMESTONE        (550-577) and early sui (581-605) dynasties.   with devotees and lions, in the collection of
           FIGURE OF AVALOKITESHVARA        the sumptuousness of the present figure   Jan Kleijkamp and ellis monroe, was exhibited
           NORTHERN QI / SUI DYANSTY        of avalokiteshvara testifies to the status of   at five museums, including the h. m. de
                                                                              Young memorial museum, san Francisco, and
                                            Buddhism in the latter half of the 6th century.
           the deity carved in the round with a slender   the founding emperor of the northern Qi   published in alfred salmony, Chinese Sculpture:
           physique and gently rounded face, the proper   dynasty, Gao Yang (r. 550-559, also known as   Han (206 B. C. – A. D. 22) to Sung (A. D. 960-
           right arm bent at the elbow with the hand raised   the Wenxuan emperor), was an avid adherent   1279), new York, 1944, pl. XVI. another stone
           beside the chest, the left arm at the side and   and patron of Buddhism. In the same year   sculpture of this type, formerly in the collection
           holding a covered vase, the sashes falling in   that he ascended the throne, he took an oath   of the Louvre museum, paris, is published in
           folds from the narrow shoulders and the dhoti   to be a lay disciple of Fashang (495-580), and   osvald sirén, Chinese Sculpture from the Fifth
           clinging to the body in the ‘wet drapery’ effect   the following year he declared his intention   to the Fourteenth Century, new York, 1925, pl.
           revealing the slight swell of the lower belly and   to devote one-third of the state’s annual   268B. the above two sculptures both feature a
           the contours of the thighs, a heavy necklace   revenue to the Buddhist establishment. he   mandorla at the back of the bodhisattva’s head
           with petal-form pendants hanging at the chest   and subsequent northern Qi emperors—  and a ‘lion’ stand, and the latter has preserved
           along with a double-chain suspending a large   particularly, emperor Wucheng (r. 561-565) and   polychrome pigment, thereby suggesting the
           lotus bud-form ornament, a further double-  emperor houzhu (r. 565-577)—sponsored the   original state of the present sculpture before
           chain punctuated with rosettes hanging down   construction of numerous Buddhist temples,   those elements were lost. a third stone figure
           the front of the body, the face with a benevolent   monasteries, and grottoes; invited illustrious   of this type, also with avalokiteshvara standing
           expression, a subtle smile playing across the   monks, such as huizang (522-605), to give   on a pedestal, and with a bouquet of flowers
           lips and long eyebrows arching above the   public lectures; oversaw significant translation   rising from the vase, in the collection of the
           lowered eyelids, the hairline mirroring the   projects of sanskrit sutras; and encouraged   metropolitan museum of art, new York is
           curvature of the brows, the hair pulled into   the chief strategist tang Yong (d. ca. 581) and   published in Hai-wai yi-chen: Chinese Art in
           a high chignon and partially concealed by   his followers to carve the Buddhist cannon into   Overseas Collections, Buddhist Sculpture, vol. 2,
           an elaborate five-peaked diadem, each peak   stone in order to preserve the scriptures at   taipei, 1990, pl. 89. a gilt-bronze figure sharing
           supporting a tasseled roundel, a large jewel   Yunjusi (‘Cloud-dwelling temple’) outside of   the characteristics of the present figure and
           suspended in front of the urna and beaded   Beijing. these rulers were keenly interested in   cast standing on lotus bud above a stand with
           strands hanging in loops between the roundels,   the power of meditation and the promulgation   openwork lions in the collection of the asian
           a long sash securing the diadem at back of the   of the faith. records state that during the   art museum of san Francisco is published in
           head, the loose ends streaming down behind   northern Qi, there were over 4,000 major   rené-Yvon Lefebvre d’argencé et al., Chinese,
           the pendulous ears, a natural soft brown patina   temples in the capital Ye alone. these temples   Korean, and Japanese Sculpture in the Avery
           coating the surface, affixed to a marble stand   and the related grottoes provided places to   Brundage Collection, san Francisco, 1974, pl.
           (2)                              learn or practice meditation, as well as an   67; a related gilt-bronze figure is published in
           height 12⅝ in., 32.1 cm          immense demand for artisans (especially stone   saburo matsubara, Chinese Buddhist Sculpture:
                                            carvers) to create devotional works to fill their   A Study Based on Bronze and Stone Statues
           PROVENANCE                       spaces. the imperial project of patronizing   other than Works from Cave Temples, tokyo,
           Collection of Jakob Goldschmidt (1882-1955),   Buddhism continued in the sui dynasty,   1966, pl. 159; and two others of this general
           acquired circa. 1920s-1930s, and thence by   during which time sui emperors utilized the   type are published in osvald sirén, op. cit., pls
           descent.                         religion—including the institutions, monks, and   282D and 282e. a northern Qi stone carving
           sotheby’s new York, 23rd march 2004, lot 626.   craftsmen that enabled the faith to spread—as   of a standing bodhisattva, though with heavier
           eskenazi, Ltd, London.           a strategy to unify the empire.   features than the present example, sold in our
                                                                              London rooms, 15th may 2013, lot 147; and
                                            the present figure of avalokiteshvara bears   a taller version with simplified details, sold in
           $ 80,000-120,000
                                            a strong correlation to northern Qi and early   these rooms, 17th september 2014, lot 416.
                                            sui sculptures in both stone and gilt-bronze. a
           北齊 / 隋   黃花石雕觀音像                 strikingly similar stone figure of avalokiteshvara
           Jakob Goldschmidt (1882-1955) 收藏,
           Eskenazi, Ltd.,倫敦

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