Page 143 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 143


            A LARGE AND IMPRESSIVE            EXHIBITED                         唐   石灰石雕菩薩立像
            LIMESTONE FIGURE OF A STANDING    Chinese Sculpture: Han (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) to
            BODHISATTVA                       Sung (A.D. 960-1279), m.h. De Young memorial   來源
            TANG DYNASTY                      museum, san Francisco, 1944.      Jan Kleijkamp 及 Ellis Monroe 收藏,紐約
                                              the pasadena art Institute, 1944.    David Kamansky 收藏
            positioned atop a waisted, integral double-  santa Barbara museum of art, 1945.    J.J. Klejman,紐約
            lotus base, standing with the slender right arm   portland art museum, 1945.    西岸私人收藏
            suspended by the side grasping a sash in the   minneapolis Institute of art, 1945.    紐約佳士得1984年6月28日,編號217
            fleshy hand, the left arm tucked close to the   Chinese Stone Sculpture, Kenny & higgins   Weisbrod, Inc.,紐約
            body and bent at the elbow, the exposed torso   asian art, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1984, cat.
            with a rounded belly and the hips tilted forward   no. 17.          展覽
            above straight legs, the body adorned with a   Religion and Ritual in Chinese Art, michael B.   《Chinese Sculpture: Han (206 B.C.-A.D.
            necklace at the chest, a long chain laden with   Weisbrod, Inc., new York, 1987, cat. no. 20.    220) to Sung (A.D. 960-1279)》,笛洋美術
            different types of beads hanging across the   Design and Influence, michael B. Weisbrod, Inc.,   館,舊金山,1944年
            body from the left shoulder to the right knee,   new York, 1992, cat. no. 14.
            and an armband and bracelet, a long sash                            帕薩迪納藝術博物館,1944年
            draped across the shoulders and sweeping in   LITERATURE            聖巴巴拉藝術博物館,1945年
            ribbon-like folds across the arms and body, the   alfred salmony, Chinese Sculpture, morrill   波特蘭藝術博物館,1945年
            dhoti tied with a sash at the waist and falling in   press, new York, 1944, pl. XXIV.  明尼阿波利斯美術館,1945年
            rhythmic folds along the contours of the body,                      《Chinese Stone Sculpture》,Kenny &
            the bare feet peeking out from beneath the   $ 600,000-800,000      Higgins Asian Art, Inc.,華盛頓,1984年,
            hem, the stone an even creamy-gray tone                             編號17
            height 42½ in., 108 cm
                                                                                《Religion and Ritual in Chinese Art》,
            PROVENANCE                                                          Michael B. Weisbrod, Inc.,紐約,1987年,
            Collection of Jan Kleijkamp and ellis monroe,                       編號20
            new York.                                                           《Buddhist Sculpture: Design and Influence》,
            Collection of David Kamansky.                                       Michael B. Weisbrod, Inc.,紐約,1992年,
            J.J. Klejman, new York.                                             編號14
            West Coast private Collection.
            Christie’s new York, 28th June 1984, lot 217.                       出版
            Weisbrod, Inc., new York.                                           Alfred Salmony,《Chinese Sculpture》,紐

            the present lot illustrated in alfred salmony, Chinese
            Sculpture, morrill press, new York, 1944, pl. XXIV.

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