Page 235 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 235
propertY oF a LaDY PROVENANCE 唐 陶加彩馬
A LARGE PAINTED POTTERY FIGURE sydney L. moss Ltd., London, 9th February
Sydney L. Moss Ltd.,倫敦,1970年2月9日
TANG DYNASTY With its dynamic pose, the horse conveys a
lively sense of energy. the long elegant mane
well-modeled in spirited pose with a briskly and prancing position represent one of a highly
raised right foreleg, the head with well desirable and rare group of trained dancing
articulated features, mouth agape, flaring horses that were much in demand by the
nostrils, bulging eyes and a divided forelock Imperial household and its guests. a similar
swept to either side of the pricked ears, the figure from the albright-Knox art Gallery,
arched neck with full flowing mane falling just Buffalo, new York, was sold in these rooms, 15th
short of the saddle and pleated saddle cloth, march 2017, lot 599. see also a pair of similarly
traces of red pigment posed pottery horses of smaller size sold in
height 23 in., 58.4 cm these rooms, 12th september 2018, lot 201.
$ 30,000-50,000