Page 237 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 237


                                              propertY From a north amerICan prIVate   唐   三彩馬
                                              A SANCAI-GLAZED POTTERY FIGURE    來源
                                              OF A HORSE                        盧芹齋,紐約,1940至1950年代
                                              TANG DYNASTY                      Marjorie (1917-2014) 及 Percy (1906-1976)
                                                                                Selden 伉儷收藏,此後家族傳承
                                              well modeled standing four square on a
                                              rectangular base, the head turned slightly
                                              leftward with crisply defined features, including
                                              large eyes, flared nostrils, and pricked ears, the
                                              body covered in deep amber glaze with the green
                                              harness and trappings accented with molded
                                              ornaments, the unglazed saddle draped with a
                                              pleated saddlecloth with traces of red pigment
                                              height 19¾ in., 50.3 cm
                                              C.t. Loo, new York, 1940s-50s.
                                              Collection of marjorie (1917-2014) and percy
                                              (1906-1976) selden, and thence by descent.
                                              $ 35,000-45,000

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