Page 241 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 241

            AN ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL FOOD     this type of distinctive ‘diamond and boss’   Collection,  Berkeley, 1966, pl. IV (right). see
            VESSEL (DING)                     decoration appears to have been an innovation   also two related vessels excavated in the late
            LATE SHANG / EARLY WESTERN        of the anyang bronze foundries and en vogue   shang tomb of Fu hao, a consort of King Wu
            ZHOU DYNASTY                      in the late shang period. most often seen   Ding (r. 1324-1265 BC), published in Tomb of
                                                                                Lady Hao at Yinxu in Anyang, Beijing, 1980, pl.
                                              on gui and yu, this motif is commonly found
            the deep U-shaped body supported on three   on round-bodied vessels. a related ding, of   XI, figs 1 and 2; and another excavated in 1985
            columnar legs, the flattened everted rim set   slightly smaller size and with cicadas cast   from a tomb site near anyang, henan province,
            with two upright loop handles, cast around   below the rim, excavated in 1970 from Xiaoning   published in Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji, op.
            the body with a diagonal grid comprised of   tun, anyang, henan province, and now in the   cit., pl. 23.
            diamond-shapes, each with a leiwen border and   collection of the Institute of archaeology,
            central boss, all below a band of confronting   Chinese academy of social sciences, Beijing,   $ 30,000-50,000
            kuilong against a leiwen ground beneath the   is illustrated in Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji
            rim, the surface with malachite encrustation  [Complete collection of Chinese archaic   商末 / 西周初   青銅乳釘紋鼎
            height 9⅞ in., 25.3 cm            bronzes], vol. 2, Beijing, 1997, pl. 26; and a
                                              larger version with blades cast onto the legs,   來源
            PROVENANCE                        in the avery Brundage Collection, is included   紐約蘇富比2001年9月19日,編號8
            sotheby’s new York, 19th september 2001,   in rené-Yvon Lefebvre-d’argencé, Ancient
            lot 8.                            Chinese Bronzes in the Avery Brundage

                                      ChInese rItUaL BronZes From a DIstInGUIsheD neW YorK prIVate CoLLeCtIon  239
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