Page 242 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
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           A RARE ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL     LITERATURE                        illustrated in Zhongguo wenwu jinghua Daquan
           WINE VESSEL (LEI)                noel Barnard and Cheung Kwong-Yue,   [Compendium of Chinese bronzes], taipei,
           LATE SHANG / EARLY WESTERN       Rubbings and Hand Copies of Bronze   1993, p. 35, no. 123; and a fourth inscribed
           ZHOU DYNASTY                     Inscriptions in Chinese, Japanese, European,   with six characters, published in Li Xueqin,
                                            American, and Australasian Collections, vol. 8,   Zhongguo meishu quanji. Gongyi meishu bian
           of baluster form, the wide ovoid body rising   taipei, 1978, no. 1216 (inscription).   4 Qingtongqi shang [Complete collection of
           from a short, slightly splayed foot to a waisted   Liu Yu and Lu Yan, ed., Jinchu Yin Zhou jinwen   Chinese arts. Decorative arts no. 4. archaic
           neck encircled by two raised fillets, cast around   jilu [Compilation of recently discovered archaic   bronzes], vol. 1, Beijing, 1985, pl. 80.
           the broad shoulder with a raised band enclosing   bronze inscriptions], Beijing, 2002, pl. 980.   For other uninscribed examples, see one
           six large ‘whorl’ medallions, interrupted by a   Zhong Baisheng, Chen Zhaorong, and   attributed to the late shang to early Western
           pair of loop handles, each issuing from a bovine   huang mingchong, etc., ed., Xinshou Yin   Zhou period, in the meiyintang Collection,
           mask detailed with protruding eyes, pricked   Zhou qingtongqi mingwen ji qiying huibian   published in Wang tao, Chinese Bronzes from
           ears, and large notched horns, the lower body   [Compendium of inscriptions and images of   the Meiyintang Collection, London, 2009, pl. 52;
           set with a further loop handle, each handle with   recently included bronzes from Yin and Zhou   another formerly in the sakamoto Collection,
           a two-character inscription to the top reading   dynasties], taipei, 2006, no. 1933.   illustrated in Sakamoto Collection. Chinese
           zi mei, the surface with areas of malachite   Wang tao and Liu Yu, A Selection of Early   Ancient Ritual Bronzes, nara, 2002, pl. 83; and
           encrustation                     Chinese Bronzes with Inscriptions from   two sold in these rooms, one attributed to the
           height 16¼ in., 41.3 cm          Sotheby’s and Christie’s Sales, shanghai, 2007,   Western Zhou period, first sold 23rd march
                                            pl. 331.                          2004, lot 582, then 18th september 2007, lot
           PROVENANCE                       Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen   181, and the second from the J.t. tai Collection,
           Collection in osaka, circa 1934 (by repute).   ji tuxiang jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions   sold 22nd march 2011, lot 46.
           offered at sotheby’s London, 10th December   and images of bronzes from shang and Zhou
           1985, lot 19.                    Dynasties], vol. 25, shanghai, 2012, no. 13759.  $ 80,000-120,000
           sotheby’s new York, 19th september 2001,   In addition to the present lot, a much smaller
           lot 3.                                                             商末 / 西周初   子媚罍
                                            lei bearing the same two-character inscription,
                                            reportedly discovered from anyang, henan
                                            province, formerly in the collection of William   銘文:
                                            Charles White, now in the royal ontario   子媚
                                            museum, toronto, is published in Wu Zhenfeng,
                                            Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang   來源
                                            jicheng [Compendium of Inscriptions and   大阪某收藏,約1934年(傳)
                                            Images of Bronzes from shang and Zhou   上拍於倫敦蘇富比1985年12月10日,編號19
                                            Dynasties], vol. 25, shanghai, 2012, no. 13758.
                                            Bronze lei of this type cast with inscriptions   出版
                                            are rare. see a related lei, discovered from a
                                            late shang dynasty hoard in Beidong village,   巴納及張光裕,《中日歐美澳紐所見所拓
                                            Liaoning province, published in ‘Liaoning   所摹金文彙編》,卷8,台北,1978年,
                                            Kazuoxian Beidongcun faxian Yindai qingtongqi’   編號1216(銘文)
                                            [Yin dynasty bronze discovered in Beidong   劉雨及盧岩,《近出殷周金文集錄》,北
                                            village, Kazuo county, Liaoning province],   京,2002年,圖版980
                                            Kaogu, no.4, Beijing, pl. 7, fig 1, together with   鍾柏生,陳昭容及黃銘崇等编,《新收殷
                                            four others, but without inscription, pl. 6,   周青铜器銘文暨器影彙編》,台北,2006
                                            fig. 3 and pl. 7, figs 2, 3, and 4; one inscribed   年,編號1933
                                            with two characters, in the sumitomo
                                            Collection, published in Sen-Oku Hakuko Kan:   汪濤及劉雨,《流散歐美殷周有銘青銅器
                                            Sumitomo Collection [ancient art from the   集錄》,上海,2007年,圖版331
                                            sumitomo collection], Kyoto, 2002, pl. 115;   吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,
                                            another in the shaanxi provincial museum,   卷25,上海,2012年,編號13759

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