Page 247 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 247
Quwo county, shanxi province in 1992, fourteen 西周 青銅饕餮紋鐘一組七件
of which are now in the shanghai museum,
shanghai, and the remaining two in the shanxi 銘文:
archaeology Institute, taiyuan, published in 唯十又二月 王初 旁
Chen peifen, Xiashangzhou qingtongqi yanjiu.
Xizhou [study of bronze from the Xia, shang, 來源
and Zhou dynasty. Western Zhou], vol. 2, 2004, 紐約蘇富比2002年3月20日,編號22
pl. 427.
examples of sets of bronze bells at auction are
incredibly rare, and no other Western Zhou
dynasty bell sets appear to have been sold. For
later examples, see a set of nine eastern Zhou
dynasty, spring and autumn period, niuzhong,
sold in our London rooms, 17th november 1999,
lot 706; and a set of eleven niuzhong, from the
spring and autumn period, sold at Christie’s
new York, 25th march 1998, lot 42.
$ 100,000-150,000
ChInese rItUaL BronZes From a DIstInGUIsheD neW YorK prIVate CoLLeCtIon 245