Page 249 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 249

            A PAIR OF ARCHAIC BRONZE VASES    Compare a similar bronze fanghu excavated   漢   青銅鋪首耳活環方蓋壺一對
            AND COVERS (FANGHU)               at shuihudi, Yunmeng, hubei province, now
            HAN DYNASTY                       in the Yunmeng County museum, published   來源
                                              in Zhongguo qingtongqi quanji [Complete   紐約蘇富比2001年9月19日,編號12
            each of square section, the pear-shaped body   collection of Chinese archaic bronzes], vol. 12,
            rising from a slightly splayed foot to a waisted   Beijing, 1998, pl. 9; and another in the collection
            neck, flanked by a pair of beast-mask handles   of the Fujii Yurinkan, Kyoto, illustrated in sueji
            each suspending a loose ring, the sloping cover   Umehara, Nihon shucho Shina kodo seikwa
            surmounted by four hooked rings, the surface   [select relics of ancient Chinese Bronzes from
            with patches of reddish-white and malachite   Collections in Japan], vol. 6, osaka, 1964, pl. 471.
            encrustation (4)
            height 15¼ in., 38.8 cm           $ 10,000-15,000
            sotheby’s new York, 19th september 2001,
            lot 12.

                                      ChInese rItUaL BronZes From a DIstInGUIsheD neW YorK prIVate CoLLeCtIon  247
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