Page 248 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 248

           A LARGE COPPER-INLAID BRONZE     Compare closely related hu of this type,   東周 戰國   青銅嵌紅銅瑞獸紋鋪
           RITUAL WINE VESSEL AND COVER     with the design similarly laid out in seven   首耳活環蓋壺
           (HU)                             registers, such as one, lacking the cover, in
           EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, WARRING    the metropolitan museum of art, new York,   來源
                                            from the havemeyer Collection, exhibited in
           STATES PERIOD                    Splendid Legacy: The Havemeyer Collection,   安思遠(1929-2014)收藏,編號B3202
                                            the metropolitan museum of art, new York,   紐約蘇富比2002年3月19日,編號28
           the ovoid body rising from a slightly splayed
           foot to a waisted neck, set at the shoulder with   1993, pl. 160; and another, in the art Institute
           a pair of beast-mask handles, each suspending   of Chicago, from the Buckingham Collection,
           a loose ring, the exterior inlaid in copper with   published in Charles F. Kelley and Ch’en meng-
           seven registers, rising sequentially as a frieze   chia, Chinese Bronzes from the Buckingham
           of confronting pairs of antlered deer flanked by   Collection, Chicago, 1946, pl. LIX; one with
           addorsed pairs of long-tailed birds, confronting   the cover, in the Fujii Yurinkan Collection,
           sinuous dragons flanked by scrolls, stylized   Kyoto, illustrated in Weber, ibid., fig. 37a (line
           taotie flanked by scrolling kuilong, confronting   drawing).
           pairs of writhing dragons, and two registers of   $ 80,000-120,000
           confronting mythical birds with coiling tails,
           the domed cover with further pairs of birds
           divided by four upright hooked ring finials, the
           vessel and cover with areas of heavy malachite
           encrustation (2)
           height 19½ in., 49.5 cm

           Collection of robert hatfield ellsworth (1929-
           2014), no. B3202.
           sotheby’s new York, 19th march 2002, lot 28.

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