Page 244 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 244

           A RARE ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL     PROVENANCE                        西周初至中期      觶
           WINE VESSEL (ZHI)                sotheby parke-Bernet, new York, 8th may
           EARLY - MIDDLE WESTERN ZHOU      1980, lot 45.                     銘文:
           DYNASTY                          sotheby’s hong Kong, 20th may 1981, lot 897.       作旅彝 孫子用言出入
                                            offered at sotheby’s new York, 7th December
           well cast with the pear-shaped body rising from   1983, lot 57.    來源
           a splayed foot to a wide flared rim, decorated   sotheby’s London, 11th December 1984, lot 14.   蘇富比 Parke-Bernet,紐約,1980年5月8日,
           around the neck with a band of kuilong against   sotheby’s new York, 19th september 2001,   編號45
           a leiwen ground, interrupted by a pair of raised   lot 9.          香港蘇富比1981年5月20日,編號897
           ram-head masks, all above a narrow band
           of highly abstract winged-creature motifs   LITERATURE             上拍於紐約蘇富比1983年12月7日,編號57
           encircling the foot, the interior with a ten-  Wang tao and Liu Yu, A Selection of Early   倫敦蘇富比1984年12月11日,編號14
           character inscription reading X zuo lü yi sun zi   Chinese Bronzes with Inscriptions from   紐約蘇富比2001年9月19日,編號9
           yong yan chu ru, the surface mottled with areas   Sotheby’s and Christie’s Sales, shanghai, 2007,   出版
           of malachite encrustation        pl. 190.                          汪濤及劉雨,《流散歐美殷周有銘青銅器
           height 7¼ in., 18.4 cm
                                            $ 30,000-50,000                   集錄》,上海,2007年,圖版190

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