Page 245 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 245

            AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE PAIR OF     LITERATURE                        西周   伯豐方彝一對
            ARCHAIC BRONZE RITUAL WINE        Chen mengjia, Meidiguozhuyi jielue de woguo
            VESSELS (FANGYI)                  Yin Zhou tongqi jilu [Compilation of Yin and   銘文:
            WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY              Zhou archaic bronzes in america], Beijing,   伯豐作旅彝
                                              1962, nos a634, r322 and r323.
            each of square section, cast with the slightly   Zhou Fagao, Sandai jijin wencun bu   來源
            tapering sides raised on four angled feet with   [supplements of surviving writings from the   Pauline (1910-2000) 及 Myron S. Falk, Jr.
            bracketed openings in between, decorated   Xia, shang, and Zhou dynasties] taipei, 1980,   (1906-1992) 伉儷收藏,1937年於北京購自
            around the body in low relief with two bands of   no. 323.          德國古董商 Plaut
            highly stylized animals, detailed with diagonal   Yan Yiping, Jinwen Zongji [Corpus of bronze
            hooked wings and large oblong-shaped eyes at   inscriptions], taipei, 1983, nos 4956 and 4957.   紐約佳士得2001年10月16日,編號170
            the corners, all reserved on a finely executed   minao hayashi, In Shū Jidai seidōki no kenkyū.   展覽
            leiwen ground, the interior with a five-character   In Shū seidōki souran [research of bronze ware   《Art: Genuine or Counterfeit》,福格藝術
            inscription reading Bo Feng zuo lü yi, the surface   of the shang and Zhou dynasties], tokyo, 1984,   博物館,劍橋,1940年,編號30b
            patinated with malachite encrustation (2)  pl.45.                   《Arts of the Chou Dynasty》,斯坦福大學
            height 6¾ in., 17 cm              Institute of archaeology, Chinese academy
                                              of social sciences, ed., Yinzhou jinwen   博物館,帕羅奧圖,1958年,編號22
            PROVENANCE                        jicheng [Compendium of Yin and Zhou bronze   出版
            Collection of pauline B. (1910-2000) and myron   inscriptions], Beijing, 2007, no. 03270.   陳夢家,《美帝國主義劫掠的我國殷周
            s. Falk, Jr. (1906-1992), acquired from the   Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen   銅器集錄》,北京,1962年,編號A634、
            German dealer, plaut, in Beijing, 1937.   ji tuxiang jicheng [Compendium of inscriptions   R322及R323
            Christie’s new York, 16th october 2001, lot 170.  and images of bronzes from the shang and
                                              Zhou dynasties], vol. 24, shanghai, 2012, no.   周法高,《三代吉金文存補》,台北,
            EXHIBITED                         13520 (one of the pair).          1980年,編號323
            Art: Genuine or Counterfeit, Fogg art museum,                       嚴一萍,《金文總集》,台北,1983年,
            Cambridge, 1940, cat. no. 30b.    $ 60,000-80,000                   編號4956及4957
            Arts of the Chou Dynasty, stanford University                       林巳奈夫,《殷周時代青銅器の研究:殷
            museum, palo alto, 1958, cat. no, 22.                               周青銅器綜覧》,東京,1984年,圖版45
                                                                                , 卷24,上海,2012年,編號13520

                                      ChInese rItUaL BronZes From a DIstInGUIsheD neW YorK prIVate CoLLeCtIon  243
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