Page 250 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 250

           propertY From a north amerICan prIVate   this pair of gold plaques could be joined   宋   金透空鴛鴦貴子紋帔墜一對
           CoLLeCtIon                       together to form a parfumier, a coveted luxury
           A PAIR OF PIERCED GOLD           item in its time. aromatic substances were   來源
           ‘MANDARIN DUCKS AND LOTUS’       placed between the openwork plaques, and   倫敦蘇富比1991年6月11日,編號15
           PLAQUES                          the resulting pomander could be attached to
                                            clothing such as scarves or shawls, as well as
           SONG DYNASTY                     to functional objects. see a related example of
                                            a single plaque, now preserved in the nanjing
           each of teardrop form, executed in repoussé   museum and illustrated in Zhongguo meishu
           with a pair of mandarin ducks wading towards   fenlei quanji, Zhongguo jin yin boli falang qi
           each other with the heads raised towards a
           crest of interlaced ribbons and vines, a pair of   quanji [Illustrated Classification of Chinese art,
           robust lotus blossoms below (2)  Chinese Gold, silver, Glass, and Cloisonné], vol.
                                            III, shijiazhuang, 2004, pl. 35, from the tomb
           height 3 in., 17.5 cm
                                            of Lu shimeng in Wu county, Jiangsu province,
           PROVENANCE                       dated 1304. plaques were cast with varying
                                            auspicious subjects. a ‘lotus meander’ plaque
           sotheby’s London, 11th June 1991, lot 15.
                                            of teardrop form was sold in these rooms, 12th
                                            september 2018, lot 239. In addition, compare
                                            a twin phoenix pendant of similar form from
                                            the collection of pierre Uldry, illustrated in
                                            Chinesisches Gold und Silber, Zurich, 1994, cat.
                                            no. 288, and a twin fish example, exhibited in
                                            Silver and Gold in Ancient China, J.J. Lally & Co.,
                                            new York, 2012, cat. no. 39.

                                            $ 30,000-50,000

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