Page 255 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
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propertY From the estate oF PROVENANCE cat. no. 222 and later sold at Christie’s new
heLLen s. DarIon York, 1st December 1994, lot 70, attributed to
Ben Birillo, new York, 6th november 1972.
AN ARCHAISTIC GOLD AND SILVER renewed appreciation for archaic bronzes the song or ming dynasty; another of different
INLAID BRONZE ‘MYTHICAL TWIN in the song dynasty gave rise to subsequent form is illustrated in Christian Deydier, Chinese
BIRDS’ CENSER silver and gold-inlaid archaistic vessels, largely Bronzes, new York, 1980, pl. 148 and attributed
to the song dynasty; a vessel with a wheel base,
MING DYNASTY attributed to the song and ming dynasties. attributed to the ming dynasty and sold in these
a related vessel from the collection of rooms, 12th april 1990, lot 383; and a mandarin
cast as a pair of conjoined twin birds, with mouths henri Cernuschi and currently in the musée duck-form washer attributed to the ming
open and beaks oriented skyward, the heads Cernuschi, paris, was included in the exhibition dynasty and sold in our hong Kong rooms, 20th
detailed with brows, round eyes, crest plumes, Bronzes de la Chine Imperiale: des Song aux
and ears, the neck feathers combed and splayed Qing, musée Cernuschi, paris, 2013, cat. no. november 1985, lot 252.
around the entwined necks, one with scrolled 46. a gold and silver-inlaid bronze vessel of $ 20,000-30,000
tail feathers held aloft, the other pinned down the same form, but diminutive in size, in the
forming a tripod support opposite the wings, the collection of mrs. Walter sedgwick, sold in our
underside of the rounded double-body cast with London rooms, 2nd July 1968. 明 銅錯金銀天雞形爐
diminutive talons, decorated throughout with 來源
archaistic gold and silver inlay with an enhanced other related examples include: one from the
greenish-brown patina, wood stand (2) arthur m. sackler Collection, exhibited in Early Ben Birillo,紐約,1972年11月6日
height 11 in., 28 cm Chinese Miniatures, China house Gallery/
China Institute in america, new York, 1977,