Page 254 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 254

           propertY From the JUnKUnC CoLLeCtIon  scroll, the underside with four coiled kuilong   the revivalist impulse characterizing the
           A MALACHITE, COPPER AND SILVER-  suspended around a central circle all inlaid in   present vessel, the style of the inlaid motifs,
           INLAID ARCHAISTIC BRONZE         malachite and accented with reddish copper   and the application of multiple materials
                                            flourishes, the later Japanese reticulated silver
                                                                              in the inlay are consistent with other ming
           VESSEL, DUI                      domed cover with an elephant-form knop (2)  dynasty bronze ritual vessels including a bird-
           MING DYNASTY                     Width 9½ in., 24.1 cm             spouted tripod pouring vessel and cover sold
                                                                              at Christie’s paris, 13th June 2018, lot 188;
           the globular body supported on three ring-  PROVENANCE             a silver- and gold-inlaid bronze tapir-form
           and-cabriole legs each inlaid with malachite   Collection of stephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978).  zun, from the Water, pine and stone retreat
           in spirals and modified keyfret, a pair of ring                    Collection, sold in our hong Kong rooms, 8th
           handles each with a comma-shaped extension   the present vessel derives its form and stylized   april 2013, lot 171; and an inlaid hu vessel sold
           similarly inlaid and set just below the rim, the   motifs from ritual bronze food vessels (dui) of   at Christie’s new York, 14th-15th september
           rim with a band of large pendent triangles, each   the Warring states period (ca. 475-221). Dui   2018, lot 1260.
           inlaid with malachite tesserae and enclosing an   vessels of antiquity also had a hemispherical
           abstract ‘confronting bird’ motif in gilt wire, the   body supported on three shaped legs and   $ 40,000-60,000
           complementary upright triangles each inlaid   set with a pair of loop handles, and the cover
           with a similar motif in silver wire against a gilt-  replicated the design so that the total vessel   明   銅錯銀嵌孔雀石敦
           bronze ground, a band of modified classic scroll   formed a sphere with loops and legs extending
           inlaid in reddish copper alloy encircling the   from it. Compare, for instance, a Warring states   來源
           midpoint of the vessel, a register of malachite-  period dui and cover that is of similar form to   史蒂芬•瓊肯三世(1978年逝)收藏
           inlaid pommel scrolls just below, followed by   the present vessel, sold at Christie’s new York,
           another band of copper-inlaid modified classic   21st march 2002, lot 67.

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