Page 262 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 262

           propertY oF a north amerICan prIVate   this impressive bronze figure of Buddha   明十六 / 十七世紀   銅釋迦牟尼佛
           CoLLeCtor                        shakyamuni in the earth-touching gesture.   坐像
           A LARGE BRONZE FIGURE OF         Bhumisparsha mudra, recalls the moment of
           SHAKYAMUNI                       his enlightenment, in which he called upon   來源
                                            the earth as his witness of his battle against
           MING DYNASTY, 16TH / 17TH        the temptations and attacks of mara and his   德國領事館,蒙特利爾,二戰之前
           CENTURY                          demons. Compare a large lacquered bronze   Sidney Carter Art Gallery,蒙特利爾
                                            figure of shakyamuni, attributed to the ming   1930年代末購於上述處,此後家族傳承
           the historical Buddha well cast seated in   dynasty and sold at Christie’s paris, 13th
           vajraparyankasana, the hands in bhumisparsha   December 2017, lot 142.
           mudra, the head covered in neat spiraled hair
           bosses surrounding the cranial bump, the face   $ 35,000-55,000
           with gently arched brows above half-closed
           bowed lids, the straight nose and small mouth,
           the kasaya and antaravasaka garments with lotus-
           patterned borders cast in relief and draped about
           the body and legs, with traces of gilt lacquer, all
           raised on a lotus flower base comprised of three
           tiers of naturalistic petals, further raised on a foot
           of stylized lotus petals (2)
           height of figure 21½ in., 54.6 cm
           German embassy, montreal, prior to World
           War II.
           sidney Carter art Gallery, montreal.
           purchased from the above in the late 1930s,
           and thence by descent.

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