Page 276 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 276
propertY From a DIstInGUIsheD amerICan
the top of standard miter, mortise and tenon
construction, enclosing a two-board floating
panel supported underneath by dovetailed
transverse stretchers, the edge of the frame
gently molded and beaded, the splayed
cylindrical legs double tennoned into the top
and cut to house the plain spandreled apron,
each pair of legs joined on the short side by two
oval-sectioned stretchers
height 33 in., 83.8 cm; Width 75 in., 190.5 cm;
Depth 20 in., 50.8 cm
J.t. tai & Company, new York, 1974.
the classic form of the present table has
historically been referred to as ‘character one’.
the Chinese word for ‘one’ is written as a single
horizontal stroke giving a graphic image of
this type of very linear table.the descriptive
term of ‘character one table type’ (yi zi zhuo
shi) is taken from the Wanli period edition of
the Lu Ban jing jiang jia jing, [the Classic of Lu
Ban and the Craftsman’s mirror], named after
the mythical patron of the carpenter’s craft
and containing information on architectural
woodwork and the making of furniture.
For other tables of this form, see Wang
shixiang, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture,
Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, hong Kong,
1990, pl. B81 and a painting table illustrated in
Grace Wu Bruce, Dreams of Chu Tan Chamber
and the Romance with Huanghuali Wood,
The Dr. S. Y. Yip Collection of Classic Chinese
Furniture, hong Kong, 1991, pl. 22 and sold in
our hong Kong rooms, 7th october 2015,
lot 130.
◉ $ 70,000-90,000
清十八世紀 黃花梨夾頭榫平頭案
274 SOTHEBY’S Important ChInese art