Page 304 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
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           In their imposing size and superb casting this   animating and empowering the sculpture. as   in Imperial throne room in the Forbidden City,
           striking pair of censers embody the power   Chuimei ho and Bennet Bronson note in their   all of which appear smaller than the present
           and wealth of the newly established Qing   discussion of a pair of Qianlong cloisonné   example. a pair of luduan standing at the side
           empire under the Kangxi reign. the censers   enamel examples from the palace museum,   of the Imperial throne in the main room of
           are expertly cast with ferocious expressions,   Beijing, included in the exhibition Splendors   the Yangxin dian (hall of mental Cultivation),
           bulging eyes and sharp fangs, their powerful   of China’s Forbidden City. The Glorious Reign   is illustrated in situ in the catalogue to the
           muscular and stout bodies are accentuated by   of Emperor Qianlong, the Field museum,   exhibition Splendors from China’s Imperial
           their mane and extravagantly spiraling tufts   Chicago, 2004, these burners were traditionally   Palace. Secret World of the Forbidden City,
           of hair. they each stand confidently atop a   valued at the Imperial Court, as with their open   Bowers museum of Cultural art, santa ana,
           menacing dragon; its head slithering upwards   mouths and smoke billowing forth, they were a   California, 2000, p. 38, together with a pair
           threatening to strike.           reminder to the emperor that he should always   made of champlevé enamel, pp 34-35; another
                                            be receptive to honest advice (see p. 37).  pair in the Kunming gong (palace of earthly
           Luduan are mythical and auspicious creatures                       tranquillity), is illustrated in situ in Qingdai
           with strong lion bodies, a single horn and the   the origin of incense burners of this form is
           paws of a bear. they are believed to have the   difficult to determine; an example attributed   gongting shenghuo [Life in the palace during
           ability to traverse vast distances and to master   to the song dynasty was recovered from the   the Qing dynasty], hong Kong, 1985, pl. 12; a
                                                                              further pair in the Zhonghe dian (hall of Central
           all languages, as well as foretelling the future,   ming dynasty tomb of the scholar-official   harmony), is illustrated in A Treasury of Ming
           giving life to the good and killing evil. according   Zhang shupei (1552-1615) in tonglian,
           to legend, they were originally known as   sichuan (Wenwu, 1989, no. 7, pp 45-46,   & Qing Palace Furniture, Beijing, 2007, vol. 2,
           ‘jiaoduan’, and their name changed to ‘luduan’   figs 14-16). mythical beast incense burners   pl. 780, together with a pair in the Qiangqing
                                                                              gong (mansion of heavenly purity), pl. 781, and
           because the character for ‘lu’ matched their   however, became a popular model only from   two pairs made of cloisonné enamel, one in the
           appearance better. Known as guardians of   the Xuande period onwards. a censer in the
           enlightened rulers, luduan were said to appear   form of a mythological animal was included   Yangzhou gong (palace of eternal Longevity),
           in areas where a wise and virtuous leader was   in the painting ‘enjoying antiquities’ by Du   pl. 287, and the other from one of the rooms of
                                                                              the Yangxin dian, pl. 791.
           present.                         Jin (ca. 1467-1505), where two scholars are
                                            depicted scrutinizing a selection of antiquities   While censers of this form are relatively
           the auspicious nature of luduan was   (illustrated in Through the Prism of the Past:   common, the large size of the present pair is
           particularly appropriate for the purpose of   Antiquarian Trends in Chinese Art of the 16th   exceptionally rare; compare a  luduan censer of
           these censers. Cast with hinged or removable
           heads, they were made for burning incense and   to 18th Century, national palace museum,   slightly smaller size, and cast with less refined
           smoke would emerge from the beast’s mouth,   taipei, 2003, cat. no. I-44). a drawing of a   details, from the collection of J.B. pickering,
                                            similar beast is also published in the Shizu   sold at Christie’s London, 8th may 1978, lot
                                            zhai jian pu (ten Bamboo studio Catalogue of   269, and in these rooms, 6th June 1992, lot
                                            Letter paper Designs), a woodblock printed   369; and a censer of similar size but in the form
                                            book of stationery papers from 1645, compiled   of a qilin and attributed to the Qianlong reign,
                                            by hu Zhengyan and illustrated in Ip Yee and   sold in our London rooms, 7th march 1980, lot
                                            Laurence C.s. tam, Chinese Bamboo Carving,   42, possibly the same sold at Christie’s London,
                                            vol. 1, hong Kong, 1978, p. 179, fig. 15. Its   19th march 1979, lot 185. see also a smaller
                                            popularity continued well into the Kangxi reign,   censer, one of a pair, embellished with precious
                                            when censers of this form were made in a   stones, in the shenyang palace museum,
                                            variety of media, including porcelain, cloisonné   Liaoning province, illustrated in Son of Heaven.
                                            enamel and bronze. For a Xuande period   Imperial Arts of China, seattle, 2000, pl. 33;
                                            prototype of this form, see two censers sold in   and a pair in the musée national du château
                                            our hong Kong rooms, the first from the Water,   de Fontainebleau, included in the exhibition
                                            pine and stone retreat collection, 8th april   Chinese Impériale. Splendeurs de la dynasties
                                            2014, lot 233, and the second, 8th october   Qing 1644-1911, Baur Foundation, Geneva,
                                            2014, lot 3759.                   2014, cat. nos 12 and 13.
                                            such censers were part of the ‘throne group’,   Compare also a cloisonné enamel luduan
                                            a prescribed set of imperial court assemblages   censer of slightly larger size, standing on a
                                            that decorated throne rooms. pairs of luduan   rectangular platform but lacking the dragon, in
                                            were commonly placed on each side of   the national palace museum, taipei, illustrated
                                            an Imperial throne with the aim to protect   in Masterpieces of Chinese Enamel Ware in the
                                            and highlight the ruler’s elevated position.   National Palace Museum, taipei, 1971, pl. 28;
                                            the importance of this pair is evident when   a smaller pair sold in these rooms, 31st may
                                            compared to examples of luduan still displayed   1994, lot 221; one sold in our paris rooms, 12th
           Fig. 1  Wilhelm anton Fritz euler (1911-1994)
           圖一  Wilhelm anton Fritz euler (1911-1994) 照片

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