Page 306 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 306

Fig. 2 the present illustrated at the family home, Königstein, Germany
           圖二 本品置於 Hochschild-Euler 家宅,柯尼希斯泰因,德國

           June 2018, lot 143; and a further pair sold at   rudolph euler, Fritz’s father, maintained a   his retirement in 1977, he served as Chairman
           Christie’s London, 31st may 1965, lot 131.  significant position within metalgesellschaft.   Chief executive officer of Chelpin Industries,
                                            together with henriette, rudi collected   manhattan; management consultants and
           Wilhelm anton Fritz euler (fig. 1) was a
           businessman and patron of the arts and nature.   art spanning many hundreds of years and   investment advisers. Fritz euler was an
           Born in Frankfurt, Germany 10th september   numerous collecting categories.  associate member of the Foreign policy
                                                                              association and a member of the board of the
           1911, to an illustrious family, Fritz studied at   While the majority of the hochschild-euler   German-american Chamber of Commerce in
           a private school and then attended oxford   family fortune was confiscated during World
           University in england.  he left Germany in   War II, henriette and rudi preserved a portion   manhattan.
           1938 at the onset of World War II.  his parents,   of their collection and moved from Frankfurt to   after his retirement Fritz drew upon his love
           henriette hochschild and rudolph euler, felt it   Königstein to rebuild their lives. the Imperial   of art and nature to begin a second career of
           best their son leave the country and provided   beasts graced the entrance of their Königstein   volunteerism on staten Island, where he resided
           him with a ticket around the world. Fritz   residence, and often hosted birds’ nests in their   in his beloved residence, roadside Cottage on
           rearranged his transport and booked himself   fierce teeth as they looked out over the Black   todt hill road. he served as Chairman of the
           one-way to the United states. Fritz euler   Forest and rhine river (figs. 2-3).  board of governors of the staten Island Institute
           first arrived in Wyoming, and then moved to   Fritz euler’s business career spanned more   of arts and sciences from 1982 to 1990.  his
           montana, where he spent a year working as a   than three decades. he served as chairman and   commitment to making staten Island a better
           cowboy and ranch-hand.                                             place to live was legendary. he was a board
                                            president of several corporations; Chairman
           Fritz euler’s mother, henriette hochschild, was   of the Board of the ore & Chemical Corp.,   member and treasurer of protectors of pine
           the daughter of German businessman Zachary   manhattan for 20 years, the president of the   oak Woods, board member of the Greenbelt
                                                                              stewardship Council and a member of the
           hochschild, a metal trader and the co-founder   Unterwester shipping agency, manhattan for   Greenbelt Conservancy. Wilhelm anton Fritz
           of metalgesellschaft, one of Germany’s largest   15 years, and later as Chairman of the Board of
           industrial conglomerates based in Frankfurt.   montana transport Usa Inc., manhattan. Upon   euler died 13th august, 1994 and the present lot
                                                                              has passed through descent within the family.

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