Page 311 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 311

            A CLOISONNE ENAMEL AND GILT-      明十五世紀   銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮
            BRONZE ‘LOTUS’ CENSER             紋獅耳爐

            of bombé form, the rounded sides rising from
            a gently splayed foot to a waisted neck and
            banded rim, with a pair of pierced gilt-bronze
            lion-mask handles, the body decorated with
            robust red, blue, and aubergine lotus blossoms
            on leafy stems against a bright blue ground, the
            neck with a band of red and green flowers on a
            green-ground, the mouth encircled by a colorful
            geometric band, the rims and base gilt
            Width 4½ in., 11.5 cm
            Compare a closely related example attributed
            to the 15th century and sold in our London
            rooms, 12th november 1974, lot 176.
            $ 20,000-30,000

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