Page 54 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 54

           A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘FLORAL’ BOWL     清雍正   後加琺瑯彩芙蓉桂花圖
           AND PERIOD
           THE ENAMELS LATER-ADDED          《大清雍正年製》款
           the rounded sides rising from a slightly tapered
           foot to a subtly lipped rim, the exterior later-  枝生無限月 花滿自然秋
           painted in brilliant enamels with a rocky outcrop
           in the center of a garden in full bloom, a gnarled   印文:
           osmanthus tree growing to one side issuing   佳丽 四時 長春
           tiny yellow blossoms amidst verdant leaves,
           tall peony stems towering above the other   來源
           plants, their slender shoots bending under the   蘇富比 Parke-Bernet,1939年5月11日,
           weight of massive blossoms and buds poised   編號119
           to burst open, sprigs of blue aster and other
           varietals thriving below, a poetic inscription at   史蒂芬•瓊肯三世(1978年逝)收藏
           the opposite side of the bowl reading zhi sheng
           wu Xian yue, hua man zi ran qiu (‘branches
           nurtured for month upon month, flowers in
           full bloom, but now autumn’), the base with a
           six-character mark in underglaze blue within a
           double circle
           Diameter 5¾ in., 14.6 cm
           sotheby’s parke-Bernet, 11th may 1939, lot 119.
           Collection of stephen Junkunc, III (d. 1978).

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