Page 58 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 58
propertY From a mIDWestern prIVate Cups of this type derive from Chenghua 清乾隆 粉彩御題詩雞缸盃
CoLLeCtIon doucai prototypes, and the inscribed poem
A FINE FAMILLE-ROSE ‘BOY AND acknowledges that the design is an adaptation 《大清乾隆仿古》款
CHICKEN’ CUP of the earlier ‘chicken’ cups. For a translation 來源
of the poem and a description of the subject,
QIANLONG FANGGU SEAL MARK AND see the exhibition catalogue, For the Imperial 弗蘭克•卡羅,紐約,1971年11月3日
PERIOD Court: Qing Porcelain from the Percival David 俄亥俄州私人收藏,此後家族傳承
Foundation of Chinese Art, Kimbell art museum,
finely potted with steep rounded sides rising Fort Worth, 1997 p. 98. 展覽
from a recessed base to a slightly everted rim, 《Art for Collectors》,克利夫蘭藝術博物
painted on the exterior with a boy approaching a closely related example was included in the 館,克利夫蘭,1971年
a rooster, a hen tending four small chicks exhibition Joined Colours, arthur m. sackler
behind the rocks, the scene further decorated Gallery, smithsonian Institution, Washington
with blooming peonies and roses, inscribed with D.C., 1993, cat. no. 64; another, in the percival
an imperial poem by the Qianlong emperor, David Foundation in the British museum,
dated to the bingshen year of the Qianlong reign London, was included in the exhibition For the
corresponding to 1776, the base inscribed with Imperial Court, op. cit., cat. no. 33; and a pair of
a six-character fanggu seal mark in underglaze cups in the national palace museum, taiwan,
blue was included in the Special Exhibition of K’ang-
Diameter 2⅜ in., 6 cm hsi, Yung-cheng and Ch’ien-lung Porcelain Ware
from the Ch’ing Dynasty in the National Palace
PROVENANCE Museum, national palace museum, taipei,
Frank Caro Co., new York, 3rd november 1971. 1986, cat. no. 144.
ohio private Collection, and thence by descent.
see also a cup of this type sold in our London
rooms, 14th november 2001, lot 106; and
another sold at Christie’s London, 4th
Art for Collectors, Cleveland art museum, november 2008, lot 222, and again at Christie’s
Cleveland, 1971.
hong Kong, 31st may 2010, lot 1892.
$ 80,000-120,000
56 SOTHEBY’S Important ChInese art