Page 60 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
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propertY From a FLorIDa prIVate CoLLeCtIon and four such vases are illustrated in regina Krahl, Chinese
A FINE MING-STYLE BLUE AND WHITE Ceramics in the Topkapi Saray Museum, vol. III, London,
BOTTLE VASE 1996, pl. 2564, one with an elaborate 19th century ottoman
gilt-metal cover.
a vase of the same form, decoration and smooth rounded
the globular body rising from a spreading foot to a tall, sides, was sold in our hong Kong rooms, 31st December
elegant waisted neck, finely painted in rich ‘heaped and piled’ 2015, lot 426, another similar example of this type sold also
cobalt-blue tones with a composite flower scroll band, all in our hong Kong rooms, 8th april 2011, lot 3129.
between lotus-lappet and classic scroll bands at the base president herbert hoover and his wife, Lou, formed a very
and a ruyi band at the shoulder, the neck with stiff leaf and fine collection of Chinese blue and white porcelain. the
keyfret bands below a collar of waves at the rim, the base collection began while they lived in China around 1900
inscribed with a six-character seal mark in underglaze blue where he was employed as a mining engineer in tianjin, and
height 14¾ in., 37.5 cm
became a lifelong passion. at one point there were over 400
PROVENANCE pieces in their collection. the president continued adding to
the collection until his death in 1964 which was some twenty
Collection of president and mrs. herbert Clark hoover years after his wife’s passing. at that time many of the
(1874-1964). pieces went to the family while others may be seen today at
Collection of allan hoover (1907-1993). the herbert hoover presidential Library and museum in West
sotheby parke-Bernet, new York, 7th December 1983, Branch, Iowa.
lot 353.
elegantly decorated with early ming-inspired motifs, the $ 80,000-120,000
craftsman of this vase has also imitated the mottled ‘heaping
and piling’ effect of the celebrated 15th century blue and 清乾隆 青花纏枝花卉紋賞瓶
white wares through a deliberate application of darker and
denser spots of cobalt on the design. a closely related 《大清乾隆年製》款
example in the nanjing museum is illustrated in Treasures
of the Royalty: The Official Kiln Porcelain of the Chinese 來源
Qing Dynasty, shanghai, 2003, pl. 233; one in the shanghai 美國前總統赫伯特•克拉克•胡佛(1874-1964)
museum is published in Zhongguo taoci quanji [Complete 伉儷收藏
series on Chinese ceramics], vol. 15, shanghai, 2000, pl. 2; 艾倫•胡佛(1907-1993)收藏
蘇富比 Parke-Bernet,紐約,1983年12月7日,編號353
58 SOTHEBY’S Important ChInese art