Page 55 - Important Chinese Art Sothebys March 2019
P. 55
richly enameled in the style of falangcai a single bowl from the collection of e.C. Blake
porcelain of the Yongzheng period, the present was included in the exhibition Enamelled
bowl belongs to a small group of similarly Porcelain of the Manchu Dynasty, oriental
enameled bowls which are now believed to have Ceramic society, London, 1951, cat. no. 193,
been painted during the early republic period and sold in our London rooms, 8th July 1958,
on undecorated Yongzheng mark and period lot 123. a pair of similar bowls was sold in our
bowls. London rooms, 6th July 1971, lots 260 and 261;
both subsequently resold in our hong Kong
a small number of similarly enameled bowls rooms, 29th november 1978, lots 311 and 312;
were found in some of the most prominent and a pair from the paul and helen Bernat
collections of Chinese porcelain formed in
the West in the first half of the 20th century. Collection was sold at Christie’s new York, 2nd
Chester Beatty (1875-1968) had a pair of very December 1993, lot 352.
similar bowls, one of which was included in the a pair of later-enameled famille-rose bowls of
International Exhibition of Chinese Art, 1935-6, different design, painted with peonies, from
royal academy of arts, London, 1935, cat. no. the collection of K.L. essayan, paris, sold in our
2286 as ‘Yongzheng mark and period’. the pair London rooms, 2nd march 1971, lot 196 and
was sold at sotheby’s London, 23rd october subsequently sold separately, the first in our
1953, lot 34, where they were purchased by hong Kong rooms, 14th December 1971, lot
Bluett’s on behalf of henry Knight (d. 1971) 173 and the second in the same rooms, 29th
for £520. one of the pair was subsequently november 1976, lot 626. the former was later
offered at Christie’s hong Kong, 17th January resold at Christie’s hong Kong, 29th april 2002,
1989, lot 686, and the pair was later reunited lot 567, and again in our hong Kong rooms, 5th
and sold together in our London rooms, 20th october 2016, lot 3669.
June 2001, lot 12, by which point they had been
reattributed as being later-enameled. $ 80,000-120,000
QInG porCeLaIn From the JUnKUnC CoLLeCtIon 53