Page 182 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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time, vocational masters, adopting the manner of his    Mathem is  Yuan (act. late I2th-early 13th century).

great court-academy contemporary Guo Xi for one         An unsigned Snowy Landscape (cat. 186) is not
painting, reviving the old outline-and-color mode
                                                        attributed to him but is closely in his style and may
from the Tang for another. Misty River belongs to
the latter style, using green mineral pigment within    well be from his hand. Whatever its authorship, it
decoratively repeated outlines. Unrolling the scroll
from right to left, one traverses a long stretch of     belongs to a mode of poetic terseness that became
empty silk that stands for water and that renders the   popular in the late Song. The scenery is simple: a

farther shore of cloud-veiled hills, when it            traveler with his servant carrying the luggage
eventually appears, even more remote. The picture
                                                        approaches a Buddhist temple in a ravine. Dark
echoes, presumably by intent, paradise or isles-of-
immortals imagery in which the green and blue           mists capture the wintry mood; earth banks and

colors represent jade and chalcedony. The flattening    hilltops recede in clear stages, the nearer ones given
and decorative richness that can be seen as
genuinely archaic in early works (or close copies       volume, the farthest in simple silhouette. With all
after them) are here elements in an archaistic mode
                                                        technical problems of creating effects of space and
consciously adopted for the cultural values it
                                                        atmosphere long solved, insofar as China was ever
                                                        to address them, the artist could work in a broad,

                                                        sparse manner, reducing the pictorial materials as a

                                                        poet might evoke an extensive scene in a couplet.

                                                        Art-historical hindsight allows us to see this as an

                                                        end-of-an-era work, attenuated in both its

                                                        composition and its poetic content.

Other members of the Song imperial family

(surnamed Zhao) who painted include Zhao                Another work that reveals the late Song passion for
                                                        poetic imagery is the woodblock-printed book
Lingrang (also called Zhao Danian; act. ca. 1070-       Meihua xishen pit ("Album of Plum Blossom
                                                        Portraits") by Song Boren. First printed in 1238, it
ca. 1 100), who did bucolic scenes of thatched          survives in a single copy of a 1261 reprint and has
                                                        been called the world's first known printed art
houses on the riverside which evoked the ideal of       book (cat. 187). In text and pictures it presents one
                                                        hundred aspects, or "moods," of blossoming plum
escaping the sordor of the city for a simple life in
                                                        branches, each comprising a poetic title, a simple
the (morally and physically) purer air of the
                                                        pictorial image, and a quatrain (four five-character
countryside (as none of these artists could do in       lines) arranged on a single page with an elegance
                                                        that is astonishing: the book appears to be the
reality); and Zhao Ji, the emperor Huizong              earliest attempt at anything of the kind, in China or

(r. 1100— 1126), who painted bird-and-flower            Aelsewhere. craze for blossoming plum had swept

subjects and was especially taken with the ideal of     China in the Southern Song, producing thousands
                                                        of poems and paintings that celebrate its pure and
making paintings that embodied poetic concepts,
                                                        Afragile beauty. range of meanings, including the
enforcing it on the artists who served in his
                                                        erotic and the political, had come to be attached to
Kmacademy. The late Song painter Zhao                   the theme (as explored in Maggie Bickford's recent
                                                        book Ink Plum). 7 Song Boren's poems are full of
(1185-1266) did not belong to the imperial family
                                                        —allusions to the plight of his country the Mongols
but held a high ministerial post. The handscroll
                                                        had already conquered the north, and the Song was
Dutitled In the Spirit of Poems by  Fu (cat. 185)
                                                        —soon to fall and admonishments to strength and
originally bore his signature, according to a
                                                        loyalty, themes that the various stages of the
colophon by a slightly later writer, but the signature  blossoming plum are made, somewhat forcedly, to

has been lost, probably in remounting. The painting     symbolize.

echoes a couplet from a poem by the great poet Du

Fu (712-770): "The depths of the bamboo grove

urge the visitor to stay/ And enjoy the cool of the

tranquil lotus." Unrolling the scroll, we are taken

through groves ot bamboo by a stream and glimpse

the top of a thatched kiosk hidden among them,

then two servants bringing donkeys along a path,

and finally, toward the end, a man who sits in a

waterside pavilion and is fanned by a servant as he     YUAN PAINTING: LANDSCAPE AS

gazes out over water Thelilies. scroll recreates the    SELF-EXPRESSION
                                                        The Song dynasty ended with the conquest ot
quiet experience of escaping from the city and
                                                        south China by the Mongols under Khubilai Khan,
the heat into cool seclusion; it may represent          grandson of Chinggis Khan and first emperor of
                                                        the Mongol dynasty in China, which they named
scenery around Yangzhou, where Zhao Kui lived           the Yuan. Although Mongol rule was to last less
                                                        than a century (1279-1368), it was a traumatic time
for some years.                                         for the Chinese: never before had their entire
                                                        territory been under the control of one of the
The ideal of poetic painting advocated by Emperor
Huizong continued to pervade the output of the          northern nomadic peoples whom the Han Chinese
imperial painting academy in the Southern Song, or
late Song, where masters of transcending technique      had traditionally regarded as "barbarians." In the
and sensitivity created works that are among the        early Yuan period the civil-service examinations
glories of Chinese painting. One of the greatest of

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