Page 185 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 185

all, only briefly, but whose stylistic innovations       Wu Wei exemplifies a new type of artist, the urban

heavily influenced its later masters. His typical        eccentric, to whose personality the quick and
works, large landscape hanging scrolls on silk, are      spontaneous manner of execution seen in his
still relatively traditional in subject and              paintings was taken to be a stylistic counterpart. His
                                                         subjects and compositions are in themselves
composition, but are made up of massive, strongly        relatively conservative: Fishermen on a Snowy River
contoured earth forms. The brush drawing is less         (cat. 193), for instance, with a landmass on one side
constrained than before by its bounding and              and a receding river on the other, follows a very
texturing function, more expressive of nervous
energy in the artist's hand. This stylistic move is not  whomold pattern. In the eyes of the audiences for
                                                         Wu Wei worked, fishermen represented an ideal of
only another assertion of the rising status of
painters, including professionals, but also an           escape from the pressures and spiritual
incursion into the territory of the scholar-             contamination of city and court.

—amateurs who would, however, have been quick            By the end of the fifteenth century the great city
                                                         of Suzhou, which had been a gathering place for
to point out that Dai Jin's brushwork-oriented           artists and poets in the late Yuan period but had
paintings were still very different from theirs, less    declined under persecution by the first Ming
subtle, as befitting the work of a professional.
                                                         emperor, was recovering its cultural preeminence,
An untypical, very fine work by Dai Jin is the small     which it would retain for about a century. Besides
picture on paper now titled, somewhat                    being the principal locus for the revival of literati
                                                         painting, it offered the most attractive patronage to
misleadingly, Landscape in the Manner of Yan Wengui
(cat. 192). The association with this tenth- to          professional artists, who could benefit also from the
eleventh-century landscapist comes from the
                                                         great collections of old paintings to be seen there.
inscription written on it by Dong Qichang
                                                         Among these professionals, three stand out: Zhou
(1555-1636), leading spokesman for the literati          Chen (ca. 1455—after 1536) and two who learned

position, who was, we can imagine, shown the             —from him QiuYing (ca. 1495— 1552) and Tang Yin

work and invited to inscribe it by some collector.       (1470-1523). Zhou and Qiu are represented in this

Dong, to whom Dai Jin's typical work must have           exhibition by excellent paintings that display the
                                                         conservative side of their output; judged by these,
seemed heavy-handed and overcharged, could               they might seem to substantiate, once more, the
scarcely praise a painting without identifying in it     idea that little had changed since the Song dynasty.
the kind of style-conscious allusions to old masters
that he and other literati artists practiced             The subject of Zhou Chen's Peach Blossom Spring
themselves; he felt obliged to find such allusions,      (cat. 194), which he painted in 1533, was a favorite
however forcedly, in Dai's work. The words of            among Suzhou and other big-city audiences, since

heavily qualified, even evasive praise that Dong         it was another image of escape from the "dusty
                                                         world." In the famous account by Tao Qian
wrote on it reveal the uneasy relationship between       (365—427), a fisherman discovers a hidden elysium
artists occupying different socioeconomic positions      (the origin of the Shangri-la story) where refugees
                                                         from an oppressive ruler had lived tor centuries
in Ming China: "Among the professional painters
                                                         without aging. The fisherman returns to his town,
of our dynasty, Dai Jin is considered a great master.    and a search party is sent to find this blessed place;
This picture follows Yan Wengui's style, and is pure     needless to say, they never do. The compartment-
and empty, not at all like [Dai's] everyday work in
                                                         alized composition of Zhou's painting follows this
—character it is highly unusual." Although the shape     narrative in its structure: passage from the
                                                         foreground, the outside world, to the elysium is
of the highest peak and a few other features may         through a cave; beyond, in the sequestered space,
relate distantly to Yan Wengui, Dai's painting is not    the fisherman is seen being greeted by the village

style-conscious at all, but is a sensitive, painterly    elders. The picture is executed in brushwork that
                                                         conceals the hand of the artist, answering the
evocation of a misty scene centered on the               continuing fondness of the Suzhou patrons for

thatched retirement house of the man for whom it         —Song-styic painting preference tor the styles of

was done, identified in Dai's own inscription as         the Yuan literati masters had yet to become the
                                                         dominant critical taste.
"Old Teacher Yongyan."
                                                         QiuYing's Playing the Flute by Pine and Stream
The "school" or movement that Dai Jin is credited
with founding was later named, after his birthplace      (cat. 195) is another successful evocation of Song
                                                         style and another image of reclusion.The man
in Zhejiang Province, the Zhe school. Among the
artists who succeeded him in what is now called          playing .1 flute in .1 boat is not .1 working fisherman,
the Zhe school and who served in the Imperial
                                                         Wuas portrayed, lor instance, in  Wei's painting
Academy was Wu Wei (1459— 1508). His career

marks a further stage in the social elevation of the

artist. He was much in demand as a drinking
companion for men of high position and was a
familiar of the emperor himself, who excused His

aberrant behavior because of his artistic brilliance.

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