Page 186 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 186

(cat. 193), but, as his attributes (Daoist wine-gourd,   WuShen Zhou's friend  Kuan (1435— 1504). Three of
loose robe, flute) indicate, a scholar-gentleman
                                                         the original twenty-four leaves have been lost, one
enjoying solitude, having come out, presumably,
from the thatched house seen behind. The                 of them reportedly bearing Shen's own inscription,
melancholy sound of the flute merging with the
splash of water and wind in the pine is evoked as a      so that the attribution (first made in a colophon
familiar metaphor for harmony with nature. The           dated to 1611 by Dong Qichang) is not absolutely
spaces opening back successively beyond the flute
                                                         secure; this might be an exceptionally tine work in
player serve as sounding chambers for these
imagined sounds and are accomplished with Song-          Shen's style by a follower. In any case, it exemplifies
like gradations of tonal values. Other works by
                                                         the flattening and abstracting direction that literati
Zhou Chen and Qiu Ying would bring out better
                                                         painting was taking in this period, notably in Shen
their individual styles and innovations; these reveal
                                                         Zhou's own hands.
them as heirs to a great tradition, who could still
                                                         That direction can be seen also in the works of
practice it on a high level.
                                                         Shen Zhou's principal follower Wen Zhengming
The literati, or scholar-amateur, movement in            (1470-1559), who came from a Suzhou gentry
painting, which had been concentrated in the
Suzhou region in the late Yuan, had received a           family, had a brief period of official service in the
                                                         capital, and in principle painted as an amateur artist
serious setback with the persecution of that city        and "retired scholar" without thought of profit. In
                                                         reality, he, Shen Zhou, and the others engaged in an
and its cultural elite by the first Ming emperor. Its    intricate pattern of exchanges of goods, services,
                                                         and favors through which they derived substantial
real comeback, leaving aside a few secondary
                                                         "incomes" from their painting. Works such as Wen
masters active during the first century of the Ming
who bridged the hiatus without ending it, was            Zhengming's Studio of True Appreciation, painted in
accomplished by Shen Zhou (1427—1509). Born              1549 (cat. 197), were usually done at the request of
                                                         the owner of a house or villa and portrayed him in
into a gentry family with land holdings, he was able     it, receiving visitors, surrounded by the trappings of
to live comfortably without attempting an official       high culture and taste, including in this case the
                                                         huge, fantastically eroded Taihu rocks brought from
career, and devoted much of his leisure to literary      a nearby lake shore to be set up like natural
and artistic pursuits. His status also relieved him of   sculptures in gardens. To have one's dwelling
                                                         depicted by an artist of Wen's status and renown, in
the need to master high-level representational
techniques as a painter; he developed instead an         his cool, disciplined, irreproachably upper-class
amiable and ingenuous personal style in which            style, invested it with an aura of literati elegance.
forms, simply textured and bounded by thick brush
line, are made up into inventive compositions that       The art of Shen Zhou and Wen Zhengming is

read basically as strong, flat designs. In contrast to   highly style-conscious and self-reflective, deeply
                                                         occupied with its past. Both artists sometimes
the escape-and-reclusion themes of so much of the        painted landscapes in the manners of the Yuan
output of the Zhe school and other professional
masters, paintings by Shen Zhou and the Suzhou           masters Ni Zan and Wang Meng, among others.
amateur artists who follow him typically take as         The cautious moves into abstraction in their works

their subjects the local scenery, occasions such as      were in part expressions of disdain for the "form-
outings and gatherings and farewells, the villas and     likeness," or verisimilitude, toward which less
                                                         cultivated artists were assumed to aspire; they must
—gardens of friends idealized versions, that is, of the  have impressed art-lovers of their time as strikingly
                                                         original and "modern." To later Chinese
here-and-now of their real lives. The Eastern Villa
album (cat. 196) depicts scenes on the estate of

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