Page 53 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 53

not become pronounced until the reign of                the period-specific aspects of these rites disappeared
                                                        with the demise of the Zhou, but the rites
WuEmperor  of the Western Han (r. 141-87 BCE),
                                                        themselves did not disappear. They continued to
when Confucianism was established as the
                                                        influence social behavior in subsequent dynasties,
orthodox state ideology.                                and became a part of a longstanding tradition of
                                                        ritual conduct for individuals as well as the state.
                                                        A fundamental component of culture is beliefs. The
China's land area is very extensive, and a complex
regionalism characterized the primitive cultures of     exact beliefs prevalent during the three early
the Neolithic era. Over time, of course, the various    dynasties are still unclear but are thought to have
cultures changed and influenced each other, thus        been forms of shamanism, meaning in large part the
narrowing the differences between them. But even        superstitious worship of heaven and earth, with
after entering the age of civilization, regional        shamans as intermediaries between humankind and
disparities continued to exist because of variations
in the natural environment and in cultural origins.     the supernatural. 3 From the late Neolithic Liangzhu
In this essay Chinese culture is taken to mean only     culture of the Yangzi delta (ca. 3600-ca. 2000 BCE)
the mainstream culture. 2                               through the Shang and Zhou periods, precious jade
                                                        objects were used as offerings to heaven and
Approximately five thousand years ago, from the
Liao River in the northeast through the central and     —earth jade bi disks to heaven and jade cong tubes
lower Yellow River basin and southward to the
central and lower Yangzi River basin, civilization      to earth. The mysterious and mesmerizing patterns
began to dawn. About four thousand years ago the        on ritual bronzes of the Shang and Zhou would
three early dynasties, Xia, Shang, and Zhou,            seem to make them instruments of shamanism, so
emerged successively in the central Yellow River        that Professor Zhang Guangzhi (K.C. Chang) has
basin, and China entered the age of civilization.
                                                        used the term "shamanistic culture" to explain
What is generally known as Chinese culture              them. 4 Shamanism, a pre-religious structure of

originated during this period, defined and              magical beliefs, was common to most early cultures.
reinforced, from this time forward, by the traits
listed below.                                           But the use of jades for sacrifices to heaven and
                                                        earth, and the use of ritual bronzes in the worship
First, the polity that emerged was multiethnic,         of ancestors and mountain and river gods, was
centered around the Huaxia people (later called the     unique to the magical beliefs of China during the
                                                        three early dynasties. Like the Zhou rituals, at least
Han people) and associated with other somewhat          some of these practices survived into the Ming and
closely related peoples. Even when one particular       Qing dynasties as ceremonials protective of state
                                                        and society and as evidence of Heaven-pleasing
ethnic group seized political control from another,
the state always remained multiethnic. In fact, its     righteousness in the practitioners.

Aspecific structure became ever more tight knit.        The (to us) mysterious images on ritual bronzes of

multiethnic state in which the Han people formed        the three early dynasties could not have been cast
the majority group emerged during Qin and Han.          solely for the purpose of evoking awe. According to

Second, government took the form of an autocracy,       the entry for "the third year of Duke Xuan" in the
centered around the ruler as Son of Heaven.             Zuo zhuan (a historical narrative of the early
Heaven, however, was not a personalized deity, nor      Eastern Zhou period, probably compiled toward
were the emperors god-kings or even priest-kings.
Rather, Heaven represented an idea of willed            the end of Eastern Zhou), "There was virtue in the
cosmic order and propriety which the emperor            time of the Xia, so the Nine Provinces submitted
was expected, by means of moral example,                to the Xia, and offered bronzes which they made in
prescribed ceremonial, and efFective governance,        tribute. Those living afar also offered drawings
to reify on earth.                                      depicting local spirits and demons. Then the Xia
                                                        cast a large ding on which were portrayed all the
Third, a basically uniform writing system was           spirits and demons, so that the people might know
adopted, which promoted cultural interchange and
                                                        of them. Thus, when they travelled to the
consensus among regions and peoples.
                                                        mountains, rivers, and forests around the land,
Fourth, hierarchical systems of rites were              they would not be molested by the main spirits
                                                        and demons. To handle affairs from all over in
established, to set norms for the conduct of the        this manner was to act according to the mandate
                                                        of Heaven." 5
Ofdifferent social classes.  the systems created
                                                        I Hiring the three early dynasties people were just
during the three early dynasties, that begun during     beginning to emerge from .1 state of barbarism.
                                                        They attributed all good and ill to supernatural
the Zhou was the most comprehensive. Since 11 was       forces that were amenable to prayer and
                                                        propitiation, hence the popularity of shamanism.
originally created to stabilize the Zhou class system.

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