Page 56 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
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The literati, as the culture -bearing elite of later                                                4. Zhang Guangzhi, Six Lectures           12. Chinese Buddhist
 dynastic China were called, scorned sculpture as                                                   on Archaeology (Wenwu                     Association, ed., Chinese
mere artisanry but valued the kinds of paintings                                                    Publishing House, 1986),                  Buddhism, vol. I, articles on
that they considered metaphors of the Dao                                                           pp. 47-5 2-                               "Buddhism of the Northern
                                                                                                                                              and Southern Dynasties," and
 (primarily landscapes) or of the enlightened,                                                      5. Part 1 of the Jiaosizhi in the         "The Chan Sect" (Shanghai:
 cultivated xin (paintings of various subjects,                                                                                               Oriental Publishing Center),
primarily in ink monochrome, that were expressive                                                   Han shu addresses the subject             pp. 29-30, 319-25.
                                                                                                    of supernatural beings and
in intent and amateur in rendition). Of course,                                                     defines the term wu as                    13. Ckuanxilu, part 2, of
                                                                                                    referring to spirits and demons.          Complete Works of Wang
during the millennium from the founding of the                                                                                                Wencheng, Sibu Congkan
Song to the overthrow of the Qing, the styles (and                                                  6.Yu Weichao, "Changes in
to some extent the subjects) of literati-approved                                                   WorldViews as Seen in                     edition, vol. 3, p. 31a.
painting evolved greatly, but without losing touch                                                  Archaeological Art Materials
with their secular, Neo-Confucian origins.                                                          from the Pre-Qin, Qui, and
                                                                                                    Han Eras," in Collected Essays
Only in the recent past, with the introduction of                                                   Celebrating Su Bingqi's Fifty Years
Western knowledge and fundamental changes in
the political system and economic structure of                                                      in Archaeology (Beijing: Wenwu
society, Chinese culture has received massive shocks
                                                                                                    Publishing House, 1989),
and Chinese art has been in constant turmoil. Of                                                    pp- H3-I5-

course, there are close links between political                                                     7. During Western Han, all
systems, economic structures, and cultures, but                                                     tamous mountains and rivers
cultural traditions also have a degree of autonomy.                                                 were considered to be or to
                                                                                                    house numinous spirits. Hence,
New culture and new art, which reflect new                                                          part 1 of the Jiaosizhi in the
                                                                                                    Han shu says, "[During the
yearnings, must evolve out of the foundation of the                                                 Western Zhou,] the Son of
original cultural traditions. Contemporary                                                          Heaven made sacrifices to all
                                                                                                    the famous mountains and
intellectuals must not forsake the search for a new                                                 rivers in the land, and to
culture and a new direction for art. In order for us                                                mollify all the spirits, but there
                                                                                                    are no written records of the
to correctly assess China s traditonal culture and
develop contemporary Chinese culture and arts,                                                                                             1
and in order for modern Chinese to understand
their own values, it is necessary to review the
                                                                                                    —8. The three relationships all
course of Chinas culture over the last five thousand
years, to think about the traditions existing within                                                hierarchical but also
this course, and to understand the foundations of                                                   encompassing mutual
China's culture and its arts. The above ruminations
are part of such a quest. As to their validity, I await                                             —responsibility are sovereign-

the comments of my readers.                                                                         subject, tather-son, husband-

Translated, from the Chinese, by June Mei.                                                          wife; the five virtues are

                                            NOTES                                                   human kindness, righteousness,

                                                         i. A.L. Kroeber and C.                     propriety, knowledge, sincerity;
                                                                                                    together, sangang wuchang might
                                         Kluckhohn, "Culture: A                                     be understood as "the whole
                                                                                                    duty of humankind"
                                                   Critical Review of Concepts                      (Definition supplied by
                                                          and Definitions," Harvard                 Stephen Allee, Freer/Sackler
                                                                                                    Galleries, Smithsonian
                                                                University, Papers of the Peabody
                                                    Museum ofAmerican Archaeology
                                                             and Ethnology, 47:1 (1952),            9. Qian Mu,"The

                                                                              p. 181.               Contribution That Traditional
                                                                                                    Chinese Culture Can Make to
                                                      2."Su Bingqi on the China
                                                  Dream of Archaeology,"                            the Future of the Human
                                                           Mingbao yuekan, 1997:7.
                                                                                                    Race," in Chinese Culture Past,
                          —3. Mircea Eliade, Shamanism                                              —Present, and Future
                                                                    Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy,
                                                          trans. Willard R.Trask                    Celebrating Eighty Years of the
                                                              (Princeton: Princeton
                                                                 University Press, 1972).           Zhonghua Shuju (Zhonghua

                                                                                                    shuju, 1992).

                                                                                                    10. Xin Lixiang, Studies of Han

                                                                                                    Dynasty Painted Stones (Tokyo:
                                                                                                    Doshisha, 1996).

                                                                                                    11. Ren Jiyu, ed., History of

                                                                                                    Chinese Buddhism (Chinese

                                                                                                    Academy of Social Sciences
                                                                                                    Publishing House, 1981), vol. 1,

                                                                                                    chaps. 3-5.

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