Page 54 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 54

Given this cultural background, it was natural that      ancient treasures were regarded as symbols of
images of various spirits and deities became the         Heaven s approbation and humans' resulting good
principal subject of the arts of the three dynasties. 6  fortune. The devotees of religious Daoism, which
                                                         began to take shape during late Western Han, aimed
III.                                                     at transcending all bodily constraints, including
                                                         aging, death, and their earthbound condition. This
By the Han dynasty, and particularly after the reign     begot an obsession with the occult, including
of Emperior Wu, the magical cosmos of the three          alchemy, numerology, divination, and quasi-magical

early dynasties had changed into a secular cosmos        —dietary-respiratory-gymnastic regimens all
conceived in strongly Confucian terms.
                                                         intended to permit adepts to attain corporeal
During the three early dynasties the primary             immortality. At about the same time Buddhism also
objects of worship were heaven and earth,                arrived and was accepted in China, conflated to a
mountains, rivers, and ancestors. Similarly, moral       certain extent with early religious Daoism.
precepts stressed the duties of venerating heaven
and earth, worshiping all the spirits, 7 and honoring    A common subject of Han art was the coexistence
one's ancestors. Magical beliefs and social morality
were basically one.                                      and congruence of secular activities and the

                                                         heavenly world. This was most intensely and

During the Eastern Zhou, and particularly after the      completely manifested in the pictorial programs

late Spring and Autumn period, the teachings of          that covered the walls of Eastern Han tombs. These

Confucian and other secularly inclined                   included pictures of the heavenly world and
philosophers flourished, gradually coming to
dominate the ideological sector; at the same time,       astronomical phenomena, as well as many
secular works of art began to increase.
                                                         immortals and divinities; drawings of auspicious

                                                         symbols that represented the idea of "resonance

                                                         between Heaven and man"; and depictions of the

Confucius, from whom the Confucian school of             everyday life of the deceased. Since the simple

                                                         burials of the poor have not survived, what we see

thought is considered to take its origin,                are the concerns and the appurtenances of the

propounded a coherent system of social ethics and        upper classes: mansions, banquets and

Wumorality. During the reign of Emperor       of the     entertainments, carriage processions and outriders,

Western Han, other schools of socio-political            along with the farming, animal husbandly and

thought were proscribed and Confucianism alone           handicrafts  that  supported  the                      10  Most


reigned supreme. Thenceforth, although individual        strikingly, abundant images of everyday life have

rulers might espouse or even promote Buddhism or         joined the spirits, deities, and shamans who form

Daoism, Confucian ideas held sway over China for         the principal subjects of surviving pre-Han art.

some two thousand years. Also during the reign of

WuEmperor  the philosopher and political adviser         Reflecting the enlarging secularism of the Han

Dong Zhongshu (ca. 174-ca. 104 BCE) distilled            —world-view, Han tomb furnishings pottery

Confucian teachings on ethics and morality into          models, stone sculptures, murals, as well as

the formula "three human relationships and five          —possessions cherished in life reflect less of a sense

constant virtues" {sangcmg wuchang), 9 which             of mystery and more of a simple secular feeling
                                                         than pre-Han tomb accoutrements. Even art works
remained normative throughout the next two
                                                         with religious themes had a strong humanistic tone.
millennia. Dong also proposed that "Heaven and
man are one," a theory of "resonance (or mutual          This was an extremely important change in the

interaction) between heaven and man," which              course of Chinese art; for a very long time

linked the shamanistic worship of Heaven with            hereafter many purely religious works of art sought

secular ethics and morality. In other words, Heaven      to stir the feelings of believers and art lovers alike

is possessed of supreme power and beneficent will,       through their expression of humanity.

humans are possessed of the potential for virtuous

or evil actions; the "oneness" or "resonance" or         IV.

mutual interactivity of Heaven and humankind             Throughout human history certain universal social

posits that human actions affect Heavens will,           processes have promoted the spread of religious
                                                         beliefs in medieval eras. Beginning about the end of
which in turn affects all mundane events, including      the third century, in the period of disunion
human fortunes.
                                                         following the fall of the Han dynasty, religious
In the ancient world the theory of "Heaven and           belief became widespread, permeating Chinese
man are one" was unique to Chinese culture, 9 and
                                                         culture. In China, from the Northern and Southern
from the reign of Emperor Wu it dominated Han            Dynasties period through the Sui and Tang,
                                                         Buddhism reached its apogee. Society was still
philosophy. The theory generated a vast body of          governed, however, according to Confucian ethical
omen lore: the appearance of rare animals or plants      and moral precepts. Moreover, the ardent Buddhism
or meteorological phenomena, or the discovery of

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