Page 73 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 73


practicality were superbly integrated, as exemplified   which existed in what is now Jiangsu, Zhejiang,
by the Fuhaoxia zun in this exhibition (cat. 24).
                                                        and Shanghai, were often carved with images of
It is noteworthy that the bronzes with the most         deities represented by their two eyes. Often, a bird
distinctive animal designs are often found far from     in flight was placed on each side of the deity, with
Anyang, in peripheral areas of the Shang domain.        the birds' heads turned away from the central
For instance, the pig zun and elephant zun in this
exhibition (cats. 27, 25) were unearthed in Hunan.      image. The heads of the birds accompanying the
Moreover, Shang bronzes from places other than          zoomorphic masks on late Shang bronzes are the
                                                        same as those on the Liangzhu culture jades,
Anyang, particularly those from Hunan and Jiangxi
provinces, which lie south of theYangzi River, do       indicating that this type of decoration was an
not merely differ in their form from those at           adoption and continuation of the traditions of
Anyang but are often conspicuously more ornate.         Liangzhu culture. Oracle bone inscriptions describe

This kind and degree of difference merits our           the phoenix as the Wind God and also the envoy of

attention. Why were these most lavish Shang             the Celestial Emperor, 7 entrusted with the mission
                                                        of relaying information between Heaven and
bronzes not unearthed in the area that was the
political and economic center of the Shang dynasty,     humans. An animal mask flanked by bird patterns
but rather in places so distant as to be regarded as    may have been an image of deity. The decorative
barren wilderness in that era? Their exquisite
craftsmanship indicates that these pieces could not     motifs on Shang bronzes always invoke the Celestial
have been cast in such places, and the names of         Emperor and various spirits; they were not merely
individuals and clans cast on some of the bronzes       more or less stylized animals. Rather, they expressed
show that they were possessions of some of the          a strong religious desire for communion between
great clans of central China. Archaeological data       Heaven and humans and for blessings from the
gathered during their excavation shows that             Celestial Emperor and various spirits. The birds
                                                        flanking the zoomorphic masks may represent the
—unlike the bronzes found at Anyang the vast            phoenix as emissary in these transactions. The great
                                                        flourishing of decorative art on Shang bronzes
majority of them were not burial furnishings, nor
are there any signs that they were ever used in sets    manifests religious aspiration.
for rituals. They were generally buried at various
sites atop mountains or along the banks of rivers. It   The casting of Shang bronzes was done in pottery
is highly possible that these choice samples of         section molds. Specially prepared clay was made
Shang bronzes were specially imported into the          into the number of external and internal mold
peripheral regions, where they were regarded as
expressions of respect and admiration for Shang         sections required by a particular shape. Patterns and
culture. In 1963 an animal mask you was unearthed       inscriptions were carved or incised into the
in Ningxiang, Hunan Province. Inside this vessel        external mold sections. After being thoroughly
were over a thousand solid and tubular jade beads.'     dried and fired, the mold sections were fitted
This exhibition features the Ge you, from a royal       together and reinforced to form a complete mold,
tomb in Ningxiang, Hunan Province, which also           which was fitted with a cover containing a pouring
contained over three hundred jade beads, jade           hole for the bronze to enter and one or more holes
                                                        through which air bubbles would be expelled.
pieces, and tubular jade beads (cat. 26). An animal     Molten bronze was poured between the inner and
mask pou found in Hunan contained over two              outer molds. After the bronze had cooled, the mold
hundred small bronze ax heads. From this, we can        was broken and the bronze removed and given .1
                                                        final finishing and polishing. Shang workmanship in
see that in this outlying region Shang bronzes were     the making of pottery molds was extremely hue.
preserved as a form of wealth. Perhaps future           and set the highest standards in the ancient world
                                                        for the casting of bronze pieces in pottery molds.
archaeological discoveries will elucidate the           Pottery molds were used exclusively to cast bron; es
                                                        through the Eastern Zhou, after which additional
formation and nature of this cultural phenomenon.       methods were introduced.

The most common decorative motif found on late          WESTERN ZHOU BRONZI S
                                                        (IITH CENTURY-771 BCE)
Shang bronzes is the zoomorphic mask formerly
known as the taotie pattern. This was generally         Early Western Zhou (ea. [050-ca. 975) bn
                                                        making was to a large extent a continuation ot late
executed in clearly layered relief against a dense and  Shang practices. 1 ate Shang and earl) Western
                                                        Zhou are often considered as .1 single and
fine-lined intaglio spiral pattern. In particular, the
                                                        supreme period in the evolution of Chinese bronze
eyes of the mask were made large and prominent,
                                                        making. Withal, the Zhou people differed
enhancing the mysterious, solemn, and intimidating      significantly from the Shang people in their

Onaspect of the image.  late Shang bronzes small        political organization, religion, and cultural
                                                        > on< epts, differences concretely manifested as time
birds or small dragons often flank the mask, with

bird patterns the more frequent. This type of design

composition has ancient historical origins. Late

Neolithic jade cons from the Liangzhu culture.

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