Page 74 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 74

went on by a great diminution in the absolute           vessels like the gui emerged. Zoomorphic masks, for
numbers and types of wine vessels and a                 centuries the chief decorative motif of bronzes,
corresponding increase in bronze vessels for food.      gradually changed in appearance. Major parts of the
The establishment of rites that stressed food rather    mask, such as the relatively well-formed ears,
than drink led directly to considerable development     eyebrows, mouth, fangs, and claws, were simplified
of such existing types of bronze food vessels as the    or sometimes omitted altogether. The eyes, which
ding, the yan, and the gui. The large round ding of     had been the paramount feature, lost their former
the Western Zhou greatly outnumbered those of           power, sometimes being reduced to two small,
the Shang; the yan was used more extensively than       socket-less circles, and at other times only faintly
during the Shang; square-based gui, such as the Li      suggested by a stylized outline. These changes
                                                        drained the masks of their former solemnity,
gui and Da Feng gui from the time of King Wu,           ferocity, and mystery.
were entirely new to this era. The Zhou attached
                                                        The middle period of the Western Zhou also saw a
great importance to ancestor worship, in strong
contrast to the Shang worship of gods and spirits.      noticeable reduction in the use of dragon and bird
Religious connotations are less apparent in             patterns for bronze decoration and, as with the
bronze decorations of the Western Zhou. Apart           zoomorphic masks, modifications in the design of
from zoomorphic masks, the most gorgeously              these traditional motifs. These modifications
executed bronze motif of the Western Zhou,              transformed the dragons and birds into what were

particularly during the time of kings Kang and          —formerly known as "curved zigzag patterns" what
Zhao (perhaps early ioth c), was the phoenix
pattern. Phoenix patterns, beautifully accomplished     we now call "modified animal patterns,"
in limitless variety, became a feature of this period,
imparting an aura of wealth and luxury to the           "intertwined animal eye patterns," "coiled animal
bronzes. Their vogue, however, was brief; beginning
in middle Western Zhou, such sumptuous phoenix          body patterns," etcetera. These patterns were
patterns were seldom to be found on bronzes.            generally composed as continuous bidirectional
                                                        horizontal bands of decoration around the bronzes,
But, like the last burst of twilight, they brought the  imparting a sense of simplicity and sprightliness.
peak period of Chinese bronze making to a               The most distinctive pattern of this period was the
magnificent close.                                      wave pattern (formerly known as the "curved band
                                                        pattern"), whose regular, rhythmic undulations
Early Western Zhou bronzes show another                 create a powerful sense of motion.

important change from Shang: the appearance of          Bronzes of the late Western Zhou period (ca. 875—
                                                        771) show basic continuity with those of the middle
long inscriptions inside the vessels. Many of these     period. An ever-greater proportion of the food

inscriptions recorded major events of the time,         vessels consists of fu and slm.At the same time both
events often not mentioned in surviving historical
                                                        the prescribed uses and the appearance of common
texts. For instance, the inscription on the He zun
                                                        food vessels such as the ding and gui became
featured in this exhibition (cat. 32) records and
                                                        increasingly formulaic. Of two principal ding
precisely dates the building of the Western Zhou
capital, Chengzhou (in the area around present-day      variants, one was flat-bottomed with a relatively
Luoyang, Henan Province) by King Cheng,                 shallow belly, the other round-bottomed and deep-
successor of the Zhou conqueror: "It was at the         bellied. The principal form of gui had a contracted
time when the king began the building of Cheng-         mouth with cover, swelling belly, two symmetrically
                                                        placed animal-shaped lug handles spanning the
zhou. . . .This happened in [King Cheng's] fifth        belly, and three evenly spaced zoomorphs serving as
year." 8 These inscriptions are our most direct and     feet under a ring base. The decorative combinations
most reliable historical sources for the study of       were also more fixed: for example, a flat-bottomed,
ancient Chinese history.                                shallow ding would generally have a modified
                                                        animal pattern around the lip and a wave pattern
From the reign of King Mu of the Western Zhou,          around the belly, whereas a ding with deep belly and
                                                        rounded bottom was usually more simply
the types, shapes, and decorations of the bronzes       decorated, sometimes with only a few parallel lines
                                                        under the lip, sometimes with an overlapping fish-
changed significantly reflecting new customs and        scale pattern in a band around the lip. This trend
uses. Bronze wine vessels, including the jia, gong,     toward formulanzation suggests a certain stagnation
                                                        in bronze making at this time; nevertheless, some
zun, and you, essentially faded from use, and           items produced for royal use were still very well

although some new shapes such as the ling appeared      made. During the late Western Zhou the greatest

to take their place, the proportion of wine vessels     innovation in bronze decoration was the interlaced
                                                        dragon pattern. This consisted of a central dragon
was much smaller than before. Beginning in the          flanked on both sides by several subsidiary dragons.

middle period (ca. 975-875) of the Western Zhou,

many new types of food vessels such as the fu and

shu appeared, and older types of food vessels such as
the dou and pu were used more extensively than

before. New variants of some commonly used

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