Page 75 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 75

The dragon bodies were interlaced, that is, not        and dazzling: the stolid and heavy bronze style that
merely overlapped but passed under-and-over one
another, creating a sense of undulant motion that      had prevailed since the late Western Zhou has here
was further developed during Eastern Zhou. Late
Western Zhou dragon interlace generally appears        been wholly replaced by the innovative spirit first
on square hu. The famous Song hu, and the Jin Hon
hu recently unearthed from the tomb of the             apparent in the mid-Spring and Autumn era.
Marquis ofJin in Quwo, Shanxi Province, both
                                                       Regional characteristics of bronzes of the late
bear this type of pattern.
                                                       Spring and Autumn era are best exemplified by
AND AUTUMN AND WARRING STATES                          works from the kingdoms of Qin in the west, Jin in
                                                       the north, Qi in the east, and Chu in the south. In
PERIODS (770-221 BCE)
Aristocratic tombs of the early Spring and Autumn      the 1920s a group of unusually designed and

era have revealed very few bronzes that were           exquisitely decorated Jin bronzes were unearthed at

relatively well crafted. The Zhou kings had lost the   Liyu village in Hunyuan. Shanxi Province. These,
western part of their domain and relocated their
                                                       together with the bronzes recently found in tomb
court to their eastern capital near present-day
                                                       number 251 at Jinsheng village inTaiyuan, can be
Luoyang. In the smaller states that made up the
Zhou realm, bronze making was rather crude. In         considered representative of Jin style bronzes
the larger states, however, signs of progress were
                                                       (cats.  43,           9  whereas  those  from  the  Chu  tomb  at
already appearing.
By the mid-Spring and Autumn era Zhou kingly
                                                       Xiasi, Xiquan county, in Henan Province are typical
authority had declined and the various fiefdoms
were expanding their power and their borders and       of the  Chu                  10  In both shape and decoration

beginning to come into collision. But as the                        style.
authority of the Zhou ruling house dwindled and
the political and military struggles between the       Wuthe recently discovered he of King Fuchai of                 is

states intensified, ideas and political institutions   an example of how features of the Jin and Chu
evolved apace. Unsettled times stimulated major
advances in the forces of social production,           bronzes were absorbed and integrated elsewhere."

begetting countless new forms of workmanship.          Improvements in casting techniques using pottery
The earlier forging of iron weapons and                section molds, the spread of the complementary
                                                       processes of casting-on and precasting, and the
implements led to mastery of the art of casting        considerable maturing of the lost-wax casting
iron. Bronzes became an indispensable symbol of        technique all reflect significant advances in the

power, status, and legitimacy for the new elites in    bronze technology of this period. A major
the aristocratic states, spurring bronze making to an
                                                       revolution in the art of bronze making during the
unprecedented period of innovation and                 Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods was
development. To meet rapidly escalating military       the use of stamps to create the surface designs in
needs, the casting of bronze weapons was also          the molds. Besides increasing the number of
                                                       bronzes that could be produced, it also assured the
carried to new heights. Even some small states         uniform quality of the decorative patterns on the
                                                       pieces. This advanced technique is seen most
possessed significant quantities of bronzes, and with  frequently among the extant bronzes ot the Jin
the breakdown of centralized patronage along with      state. Excavation of the site of the Jin bronze
centralized authority, regional traits of bronzes of
this period became quite distinct.                     workshop at Houma in Shanxi Province has fully

New vessels appeared, and old types were rendered      revealed the advanced bronze casting technology of
                                                       the time.'- Advances such as the use of stamps in
with fresh shapes and unusual designs, which made      mold-making changed the nature ot creating
for an entirely new look. Included in this             surface decoration: only the maker ot the stamp

exhibition is the square lotus-and-crane hu (cat. 45)  required artistry: the workers who impressed the

found in Xinzheng, Henan Province, in 1923.            design from the stamp onto the mold needed only
Openwork petals rise from the lid, on which stands     simple technical skill. Subsequently new arts ot
a crane raising its wings as if about to fly. Lug
handles on two sides of the hu take the form of        surface decorating appeared, using inlaid gold,
crested dragons looking backward, and winged           silver, and copper to create a varicolored surface.
dragons mark the four corners of the square belly.
 Iwo powerful slinking animals support the vessel,     The gold, silver, and copper would be hammered
which is decorated overall with an interlaced
double-bodied dragon pattern. The effect is opulent    into sheets or threads, and the threads might be
                                                       coiled into tight spirals, then inlaid into the grooves
                                                       cast in the bronze to receive them. (. In some
                                                       bronzes, copper, gold, silver, and turquoise were
                                                       inlaid in combination to form a sumptuous,
                                                       brocade-like design.

                                                       It was during the late Spring and Autumn period
                                                       that human activity began to be used .is .1

                                                       decorative motif. .1 clear manifestation of the
                                                       unprecedentedly strong social humanism ot the
                                                       tune. Subjects like battles, hunting, banquets, rituals,

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