Page 114 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 114


                                                                                                                     PROPERTY FROM THE AOYAMA STUDIO COLLECTION  明   烏面剔犀盞托
                                                                                                                     A BLACK ‘TIXI’ LACQUER CUP STAND
                                                                                                                     MING DYNASTY
                                                                                                                     the hollow bowl with a lipped rim and rounded sides collared
                                                                                                                     with a slightly curved circular dish, all supported on a hollow
                                                                                                                     flared foot, finely carved through alternating layers of
                                                                                                                     brownish-black and ochre lacquer, the interior lacquered black
                                                                                                                     15.7 cm, 6⅛ in.
                                                                                                                     HK$ 100,000-150,000
                                                                                                                     US$ 12,900-19,400

          PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION       A larger agate ring (d. 10.4 cm), incised with C-shaped
          AN AGATE ‘PHOENIX’ RING, HUAN              scrollwork, occasionally interspersed by hatching, was
          EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, SPRING AND           included in the exhibition Sparkling Splendours. The Art
                                                     of Ancient Chinese Carvings on Rock Crystal and Agate.
          AUTUMN PERIOD                              The Taoshi Zhai Collection, The Art Museum, The Chinese
          similarly decorated on both sides with a central raised frieze   University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2000, cat. no. 102.
          incised with eight groups of stylised scrollwork alternating with   Similar rings made of rock crystal, agate or chalcedony,
          cross-hatch lines, encircled by a bevelled outer ring with eight   oftentimes undecorated, were used as the top components
          pairs of phoenix                           in the configuration of ritual ornaments in the Eastern Zhou
          7.2 cm, 2¾ in.                             dynasty; see The Ancient Qufu City of the Kingdom of Lu, Jinan,
                                                     1982, pl. 118:3.
          Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from the Hei-Chi Collection,   參考一尺寸較大之瑪瑙環,陰刻勾雲,間飾斜格網
          Beijing, 2006, pp. 84-85.
          HK$ 80,000-100,000
          US$ 10,400-12,900                           編號102。東周年間,此類水晶、瑪瑙環,應在組珮
          東周春秋時期   瑪瑙鳳紋環                              118:3。


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