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 PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION  Compare an undecorated Ming dynasty handled cup from the   PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION  This miniature figure, probably made in the late Spring and
 AN ARCHAISTIC JADE HANDLED CUP, YI   collection of Helen and Peter, included in Ip Yee, Chinese Jade   A WHITE JADE FIGURE OF A RECUMBENT PIG   Autumn period, is meticulously carved in the round as an
 MING DYNASTY  Carvings, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1983, cat.   EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, SPRING AND   adorable recumbent pig, finely detailed with scrollwork. This
 no. 213; and another carved with lychee in low relief from the   style of carving is apparent on jades from the Shanxi province.
 well worked to imitate the archaic bronze form, the undulating   Qing court collection, preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing,   AUTUMN PERIOD  A scabbard slide excavated from the tomb of Minister Zhou of
 rim bordered with a double-groove band, the circular ring-  and published in Zhongguo meishu quanji: Gongyi meishu bian   with a protruding and upturned snout, the sides of the rounded   State Jin at Taiyuan, for example, is carved with a serpent, a
 form handle decorated with a projecting tapering flange, all   [Complete series on Chinese art: Arts and crafts section], vol.   body rendered with low-relief scrollwork echoing the haunches   bird and a dragon and elaborated with voluminous scrollwork
 supported on a gently splayed foot  9: Yuqi [Jades], Beijing, 1991, pl. 280.   and short spiral tail, pierced through with an aperture, the   and incised details; see The Complete Collection of Jades
 11 cm, 4¼ in.  white stone with light russet patches   Unearthed in China, vol. 3: Shanxi, Beijing, 2005, pl. 189.
 長青館藏一相類光素無紋之明代玉匜,見葉義,《中  3.7 cm, 1⅜ in.                Compare also two miniature jade animal carvings from the
 LITERATURE                                             Warring States period excavated from Fenshuiling, Changzhi,
 Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from Hei-Chi Collection II,   LITERATURE  Shanxi, published ibid., pls 224 and 228.
 Beijing, 2012, p. 149.  見北京故宮博物院清宮舊藏例,淺浮雕荔枝,收錄在  Jiang Tao and Liu Yunhui, Jades from the Hei-Chi Collection,
 《中國美術全集.工藝美術編9.玉器》,北京,1991  Beijing, 2006, p. 83.      玉豬袖珍可人,體態豐盈,腹側以卷雲作飾,應屬春
 年,圖版280。                                               秋晚期之物,殊不易得。山西發掘所得,有不少以圓
 HK$ 80,000-100,000
 US$ 10,400-12,900     HK$ 200,000-300,000              潤雲紋為飾之品,如太原趙卿墓春秋晚期玉劍璏,雕
            US$ 25,800-38,700                           蛇、鳥及龍紋,綴以圓目,隱起卷雲,添飾陰刻,載
 明   仿古玉匜                                               於《中國出土玉器全集》,卷3:山西,北京,2005
            東周春秋時期   袖珍圓雕雲紋玉豬                           年,圖版189,同書並刊長治分水嶺出土戰國獸形珮,
 出版:                                                    尺寸袖珍,滿綴卷雲,圖版224、228。
 姜濤及劉雲輝,《熙墀藏玉續》,北京,2012年,頁  出版:
 149        姜濤及劉雲輝,《熙墀藏玉》,北京,2006年,頁83
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