Page 192 - 2020 October 8 HK Fine Classical Paintings
P. 192


          PROPERTY FROM THE HEI-CHI COLLECTION       西漢   青白玉鷹
          rendered with a pair of outstretched wings incised with fine
          plumage, portrayed with alert eyes and a hooked beak, the
          underside of the bird with a pair of low-relief claws, the subtly
          rounded body pierced through with an aperture
          6.4 cm, 2½ in.

          HK$ 400,000-600,000
          US$ 52,000-77,500

          Naturalistically modelled in the form of an eagle with alert   玉鷹銳目、勾喙,翅膀排列整齊,線條剛柔並濟,卻
          eyes and a hooked beak, the present jade carving illustrates   有序不紊,背上羽毛則著重輕嫩纖細,靈動如生,展
          the unsurpassed craftsmanship of the Han dynasty artisans.   現漢代玉匠神工。咸陽渭城漢元帝(公元前48-33年在
          The long feathers of its wings, neatly arranged in layers and
          outlined by subtle incisions, can be differentiated from the   位)渭陵建築遺址出土西漢玉鷹,舉世知名,現藏咸
          plumage indicated by small ‘v’ on its back. A very similar   陽博物院;圖見談晟廣編,《與天久長:周秦漢唐文
          depiction of feathers can be found on the famous Western Han   化與藝術》,上海,2019年,頁368。觀其尺寸、造
          dynasty jade bird unearthed near the mausoleum of Emperor   型、藝風,均與此極為相近,惟此鷹有隧孔,應乃佩
          Yuandi (r. 48-33 BC), Weicheng, Xianyang, now preserved in   飾,或為杖首。
          the Xianyang Museum (Tan Shengguang, ed., Everlasting like
          the Heavens: The Cultures and Arts of the Zhou, Qin, Han, and
          Tang, Shanghai, 2019, p. 368). Although closely related to the   其他漢代玉鳥,可參見《中國肖生玉雕》展出兩例,
          excavated example in terms of size, form and decoration, the   香港藝術館,香港,1996年,編號53-54。另見一例,
          present carving is perforated, suggesting that it might have   載於鄧淑蘋,《藍田山房藏玉百選》,台北,1995
          been used as an ornament, such as a staff finial.  年,圖版90。
          For other Han dynasty jade birds, see two included in the
          exhibition Chinese Jade Animals, Hong Kong Museum of Art,
          Hong Kong, 1996, cat. nos 53-54; and another one, included in
          Teng Shuping, One Hundred Jades from the Lantien Shanfang
          Collection, Taipei, 1995, pl. 90.

          No Lot 93

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